With These Four Steps In The Morning You Will Quickly Have Your Body Full Of Energy And Hydrated

Although it may be unpleasant as soon as we get up, a cold shower helps us to activate the body and could promote physical performance and mental. What other actions can increase energy levels?

The routines that we establish in the first minutes of the day are those that prepare us to take on each of the tasks and subsequent challenges. For example, one of the secrets to keeping your body full of energy throughout the day is to hydrate it as soon as the alarm goes off.

The problem is that most people live in a hurry and ignore that in a short time they can do significant things to recharge their bodies and be more productive. In fact, taking advantage of those first moments of the day, it is possible to give the body a “support” to improve metabolic and digestive activity.

4 steps to a body full of energy

As some people still don’t know how to do it, below we want to reveal 4 effective steps to get more vitality. Find out how to keep your body full of energy and fully hydrated in the morning.

1. Drink warm water with lemon

Drink warm water with lemon

The combination of warm water with lemon is said to result in a remedy to boost metabolism activation and hydrate the body. This is a widespread custom in popular belief, and although not all of its “miraculous effects” have been proven, there are several that have.

For example, lemon contains antioxidants, substances that protect against oxidative damage and promote the oxidation of fats, according to a study published by the International Journal of Sports Medicine .

Also, this infusion stands out for its diuretic action, which promotes the elimination of fluids. In addition, thanks to its contribution of vitamin C, it is good for strengthening the immune system and, according to a study published in 2013, improving skin health.


  • The juice of 1 organic lemon.
  • 1 glass of water (200 milliliters).
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of honey (25 grams).

How to prepare it?

  • First, heat the water until it reaches a temperature suitable for consumption.
  • Add the juice of a lemon and, if you like, a tablespoon of honey.
  • Many recommend consuming this drink on an empty stomach, but it has not been proven that it is more effective. Enjoy it when you like!

2. Take a cold shower to keep your body full of energy

A cold shower in the morning will take away that sleepy feeling that makes you want to stay in bed. According to research published by the journal North American Medical Sciences that details several benefits of this practice for the body, the low temperature activates the circulation of blood and improves cellular oxygenation, thus promoting physical and mental performance.

On the other hand, cold water leaves the skin soft without altering its natural production of oils, as hot water does. With all of the above, it is likely that a cold shower in the morning will make you have a body full of energy and feel better to face the day.

3. Make a smoothie or vegetable juice

Make a smoothie or vegetable juice

Consuming smoothies or vegetable juices is one of the best ways to complement breakfast. In addition, these drinks combine several ingredients that contribute to reaching the recommended daily amount of essential nutrients.

Some recipes must be accompanied with other food sources that contain proteins, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. However, there are many that are nutritionally complete and can include all of the nutrients in this meal.

The advantage of preparing them is that they do not take much time and they represent a great option to prolong the feeling of satiety and thus lose weight, because you will eat less. Next, we leave you a delicious recipe that you can enjoy as a quick and healthy breakfast.


  • The juice of 1 orange.
  • 2 figs
  • 1 banana
  • ½ carrot.
  • 4 crushed almonds.
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed (20 grams).
  • ½ cup of water (125 milliliters).

How to prepare it?

  • First, extract the orange juice and put it in the blender with the figs, the banana and the chopped carrot.
  • Crush the almonds in a mortar and add them together with the flaxseeds.
  • Add half a cup of water to facilitate blending and process everything for a few moments.
  • Lastly, consume it fresh.

4. Eat fruits with good water content

Eat fruits rich in water

In the middle of the morning, just in that period after breakfast and before lunch, it is common to feel like eating something. A common mistake of many is to opt for cookies or any industrial food.

However, as the idea is to maintain energy and hydration, we propose the consumption of fruits that contain water. They are not a great source of calories and contain many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

In addition, as a study published in the journal Appetite explains , its significant contribution of fiber and water curbs the desire to eat and helps maintain satiety until it is time for another main meal.

You can eat a cup of mixed fruits, or a portion of a special fruit. In case of choosing the combination, it is important to bear in mind that it is not advisable to mix acidic fruits with sweets, since they do not interact well with each other and can cause digestive problems. Among the most recommended are pineapple, watermelon, melon, grapefruit, orange, apple, pear, kiwi and grape.

Enjoy a body full of energy

In short, adopting these simple morning habits will begin to feel that the body is more active and healthy. Keep in mind that you should incorporate them progressively until they become part of your lifestyle.

Finally, if you are to get up early and have time, you can also try doing a few minutes of exercise, which can be moderate or intense – like going for a run – or light, doing some yoga poses at home. This is a habit that many recommend to start the day with energy, it is worth a try!

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