Why Is Oatmeal So Healthy? Tips For Consuming It

Oats are not only known for being a superfood but they have also earned the title of the ‘queen of cereals’.

Often, various means indicate that the queen of cereals is a good food for any diet and that we should take advantage of it regularly. However, why is oatmeal so healthy?

In order to answer this question, it is best to review the nutritional values ​​of this cereal. Once we know a little more what it contains, we can see the different benefits for the body.

Among other properties, this food  is famous for helping to regulate the digestive system and for  providing the energy necessary to perform throughout the day.

Oatmeal is also very popular for being a very versatile ingredient in the kitchen. It can be found in different formats and is well incorporated into other foods.

Let’s see below all the properties of the queen of cereals, as well as some very easy ways to consume it on a daily basis.

Why is oatmeal so healthy?

One of the reasons why oats are so healthy is because of their high content of low-cost proteins, which are necessary for the good maintenance of bones and muscle mass, as well as to equate vegetable protein with animal protein. .


Another reason why oats are so healthy is because of their great contribution of fiber to the body.

Fiber helps improve intestinal transit, which is very beneficial for health. By expelling waste from the body normally, diseases are prevented and a good state of health is maintained, in general.

For example, fiber helps regulate blood glucose and, in turn, by inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol, helps keep it at an appropriate level.

But it’s not all about protein and fiber. Oats also contain carbohydrates, beta-glucans, thiamine, vitamin E and vitamins of group B (B1, B2 and B6) and E, and minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, folic acid).

Each of these nutrients supports one area of ​​health and reinforces others. Together, they make oats become the queen of cereals and an excellent food for the diet.

In view of the above, it is understood that the question of why oatmeal is so healthy cannot have a short answer.

Your contribution to health

  • Oatmeal improves digestive function, prevents heartburn and gastric ulcers.
  • It favors intestinal transit and fights constipation without irritating the intestine, thanks to its fiber content. It is, therefore, a much more suitable cereal than any refined flour.
  • The fiber it contains also helps reduce high cholesterol levels.
  • It is very nutritious and energetic, so it gives us a lot of vitality. This property helps us in periods of effort and convalescence, and is very suitable for everyone: from athletes and children to pregnant women.
  • Although it is not low in calories, oatmeal contributes to healthy weight loss thanks to its high satiating power and its low fat content. We can consume it every day in a moderate way.
  • By containing folic acid, its consumption contributes to the normal synthesis of amino acids, normal homocysteine ​​metabolism, among other aspects.
  • It facilitates the function of the liver and, therefore, facilitates the elimination of toxins from our body. This is essential to prevent diseases.
  • Since it is rich in iron, a mineral that contributes to normal cognitive function, by promoting oxygen transport in the body, among other things, the consumption of oats helps regulate the nervous system and fight nervousness and insomnia.

Tips for consuming oats

This superfood can be consumed in many different ways. Here are some of the most common and simple ones.

1. In flakes, flakes

Oat flakes can be eaten raw or cooked, for breakfast or a snack. It should be noted that raw can cause heartburn in some people, so they must be chewed well.

If you choose to eat them raw, they can be roasted and combined with nuts and fruits, which is more commonly known as granola. In some countries, rolled oats are served only with milk.

You can also find this cereal in flakes. There is even oat bran.

2. Flour

The oatmeal obtained by grinding this cereal is a perfect ingredient for bakery and pastry recipes. It is a much more nutritious flour than wheat flour and provides a good consistency and flavor to meals.

3. In drinks and creams

Another of the most common and easy ways to consume oatmeal is as a drink or cream. It can be prepared at home or purchased in almost any supermarket.

Those looking for an alternative to animal milk, lactose-free, can opt for the oatmeal drink. You can also use the cream of this cereal, which is more concentrated and thicker than the drink. The cream can be used in to cook sauces, desserts, etc.

Oatmeal smoothie

Some considerations

People with gluten intolerance or celiac disease should make sure their oats are gluten-free, as many commercial brands tend to be contaminated.

If you want to use raw oatmeal in flakes or flakes to prepare a dish, it is recommended to soak it for a few hours. Be careful, this is not always necessary, it all depends on the recipe.

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