What To Do In The Face Of Heartbreak?

Surely almost everyone has suffered it at some time in our life. That huge emptiness inside us when the person we love confesses that they no longer “love us the same” … What to do when we are in love? When the couple breaks up, we think that a part of us has been taken from us. It is even possible that we feel such emotional dependence on the other that it seems that we will never be able to overcome it.

Given this, there is no other option but to recover. We must do everything possible to feel good about ourselves again. Our goal should be to start a new life in which we only dedicate ourselves to our concerns and the people who love us (family and friends above all).

But how to get it? What to do in the face of heartbreak that threatens to paralyze us? There are a number of guidelines that can make the breakup as painless as possible. Or, at least, that we manage to overcome it as soon as possible in the psychological aspect.

Here are some tips on what you can do if you find yourself in this situation. You have to bear in mind that, although they can help you, it is only advice without scientific validity. If you feel depressed or down and this is affecting one or more areas of your life, it is best to go to a specialist (in this case, a psychologist).

What you should do before heartbreak: tips to overcome it

Woman crying for heartbreak

It will not be easy, it will be difficult to take the first step, but you have to take it. Then everything will happen, little by little, until the day comes when you realize that you have finally overcome the break. What should you do in the face of heartbreak?

1. Start with a radical zero contact

When your partner leaves you, the first thing you have to do is stop seeing him. You must have zero contact, at least for a reasonable time. In this way you will learn to live without your ex and to forget him in a more or less short term.

In addition, this will also help you to not know if your ex has rebuilt his life, something that if you find out can bring you a lot of pain. For all this, it can be helpful if you delete his phone, block him from social networks and ignore his calls if you receive them.

2. Set personal goals

Work, studies, hobbies … Anything goes to keep your mind occupied and thus stop thinking about the issue of the breakup. In addition, if you set yourself short-term goals, you will gain self-esteem and confidence, something that will help you a lot to recover emotionally and start a new life.

We know that it will be difficult for you to start any activity as a result of your emotional state. However, you should know that willingly or not, your emotional state will not change unless you do something about it.

Therefore, at first, you have to force yourself. Shaking off the traumas and even if it is with a general state of mind to go out and seek the social reinforcement of friendships, leisure or the achievement of important goals.

3. Look for the faults and flaws in your ex

Broken couple photo

For you it was perfect. But idealizing is not good. Now that you are no longer together, it is a good time to analyze what it was like. Surely you end up realizing that he was not your “better half”.

Look for its flaws, because it has them. In this way you will be able to humanize that person that you had on a pedestal a little more. So take a piece of paper and start writing down all the things you didn’t like and you’ll see how this calms you down a bit.

And it is that being abandoned tends to feel great guilt because we thought that this person was perfect for us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

4. Get plenty of exercise

There is nothing better to disconnect from everything than exercising. So choose a sport that is to your liking and practice it if you can on a daily basis. You will realize that when you are tired, you see everything differently.

And it is that releasing endorphins will help you a lot to calm down and look at things from another perspective. In addition, it will also help you fall asleep and sleep better.

Ultimately, when that loved one leaves us, we feel a great detachment and a sense of abandonment. It is only a matter of time and determination on your part to keep looking forward, as the future will hold unforgettable moments. What are you waiting for to live them and be happier?

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