What Is The Effect Of Alternative Therapies?

Ironically, the ailments of today’s life can be exacerbated by chronic stress and lack of rest and the hectic pace of life. Ancient healing techniques – from thousands of years ago – could help as better remedies, although, in any case, you should first go to your doctor before any ailment.

The growing popularity of meditation and yoga in the West have put ancient healing techniques on the map. In addition to the more popular meditation practices, there are lesser-known self-healing methods that may help your health and well-being.

1. Tai Chi

Like yoga, this low-impact exercise calms down and brings a host of physical and mental health benefits. Tai Chi was originally developed as a type of Chinese martial art and a moving meditation technique, with a focus on mindfulness, breathing, and conscious movement. The practice was originally done to unlock the Chinese concept of Qi, the force of energy that flows through the body and encourages proper flow.

Some studies have found that  Tai Chi can help improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients, maintain bone density, reduce pain in patients with severe osteoarthritis in the knee, promote heart health, reduce hypertension  and much more.

2. Acupuncture

Acupuncture, one of the ancient healing techniques

Acupuncture may seem unappealing to some. After all, it is one of the ancient healing techniques that involves sticking a bunch of tiny needles into your skin. Like Tai Chi, acupuncture seeks to balance the flow of Qi in the body, by inserting needles in certain pathways or meridians.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Western practitioners tend to view this practice as a way to increase blood flow by stimulating nerves, muscles, and connective tissue in various parts of the body.

Research has shown that acupuncture can be helpful in treating headaches, hypertension, depression, back pain, nausea, rheumatoid arthritis, and other conditions. For this reason, some patients see acupuncturists for certain specific conditions, but be very careful if you have a bleeding disorder, are pregnant, or have a pacemaker.

3. Reiki

According to practitioners of the ancient Japanese art of Reiki, the power of touch is capable of healing a variety of different physical ailments and relieving stress, making it one of the ancient techniques of healing. In a Reiki session, the therapist places his hands on different parts of the patient’s body, with the aim of guiding and stimulating the flow of ‘vital energy’.

According to the International Reiki Center, it treats the whole person including their body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.

Although research on the benefits of Reiki is limited, some studies have suggested that Reiki may be helpful in reducing anxiety, stress, pain, and depression.

The technique has become more accepted in the West and is increasingly used as part of a general emotional care plan in the treatment of illness in hospitals in, for example, the United States, alongside conventional care and nursing facilities. holistic health.

4. Ayurveda

As the popularity of meditation and yoga has increased as ancient healing techniques in Western countries, there is increasing interest in Ayurveda. This is the “science of life”, which is over 5000 years old, coming from India. Try to improve well-being through diet, lifestyle, and herbal supplements.

The theory says that Ayurveda can help heal imbalances of the body’s doshas, ​​the three basic types of energy, which include pitta (the principle of transformation; the fire element), vata (the energy of movement, the air element). and kapha (the principle of growth, the element of earth).

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that each person has some vata, pitta, and kapha in them, but that one or two is normally dominant. Many things can upset your energy balance, such as stress, an unhealthy diet, the weather, and strained family relationships. The disturbance manifests as disease and Ayurvedic practitioners prescribe treatments to bring the doshas back into balance.

Although Ayurveda has been little studied in the West, preliminary research has examined the efficacy of Ayurveda programs in treating depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, and other medical conditions. Ayurvedic medicine should be used under the supervision of a trained professional because, if used incorrectly, it can be harmful.

5. Reflexology

By applying pressure to specific parts of the hands, feet, and ears, reflexology is believed to be capable of improving health through the use of “body mapping,” a system that links these pressure points to various organs and systems. of the whole body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, some studies have found that reflexology can be helpful in reducing pain, anxiety, and depression, as well as promoting relaxation and stress relief. But he also claims that while reflexology can treat conditions like asthma and diabetes, it has yet to be substantiated.

You can try some of these ancient healing techniques and see if they help you overcome certain ailments in your daily life, but in any case, you should go to your doctor first.

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