What Is Calcium Caseinate And What Is It For?

Perhaps you’ve ever heard of calcium caseinate, a substance derived from dairy protein. But do you know what it is and what it is for? Find out more about it in this space.

Calcium caseinate is a compound, it comes more precisely from casein, so it has a high biological value. In this sense, its use is popular as a nutritional supplement in sports, especially in those that stimulate muscle synthesis.

What is calcium caseinate?

Calcium caseinate, also known as calcium caseinate, is a salt that is made from the extraction of the predominant protein in milk.

Calcium caseinate powder

In general, this process is carried out with the addition of specialized enzymes or, through substances such as vinegar and lemon juice, which are capable of reducing the acidity of dairy products. As a consequence, this causes the coagulation or precipitation of the casein and the formation of rennet.

Then, from the treatment of this precipitate with calcium hydroxide, this salt originates.

Properties of calcium caseinate

Calcium caseinate contains about 90% of its weight in protein. In addition, it has all the essential amino acids inside, which gives it a high biological value as well as nutritional qualities.

Additionally, it has a considerable contribution of calcium, it has less than 1% fat, it has phosphorus and sulfur in limited quantities and it contains practically no lactose.

Caseinates in general are heat resistant products, even more so than most proteins. In addition, they have the ability to interact with water and fat, which makes them powerful emulsifiers.

These characteristics determine that these salts are used as food additives in various edible products.

Uses of calcium caseinate

The best known use of this compound is as a sports supplement, since casein, being of protein origin, has an anti-catabolic effect, which means that it prevents muscle breakdown.

Calcium caseinate

When ingested, it is absorbed slowly and as the body digests this substance, the metabolism of amino acids is activated and with it the synthesis of proteins. In this way, its consumption generates an important satiating effect.

In various studies, it has been determined that the contribution of serum proteins and caseinates is useful to achieve satiety in obese people and also to cover the protein recommendation in hospitalized patients who have higher requirements of this nutrient.

Being a dietary supplement, it is useful for individuals who perform strength exercises, intense workouts or who are looking for muscle definition. In general, its consumption is recommended before going to bed or after training.

However, it is not advisable to take it without consulting a qualified professional on the subject, since its consumption must accompany the diet and by itself, it will not produce any effect, especially if it is not covered with the protein recommendation.

Uses in the food industry

Caseinates are used in food products, as other additives and preservatives. This salt is intended to extend the shelf life of food, add nutritional value to it and modify textures. In this sense, some of the products that contain it are the following:

  • Frozen.
  • Biscuits.
  • Bread.
  • Instant soup.
  • Creams for coffee.
  • Cereals for breakfast.
  • Pastry and pastry products.

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Calcium contribution

As it is composed of calcium and has a minimal amount of lactose, its use makes it possible to supply this mineral in people who are intolerant to milk sugar, but who in turn are able to digest this substance without problems. In this way, it prevents decalcification and contributes to the strengthening of bones and teeth.

Who should not consume it?

Various studies have suggested that casein has a significant inflammatory potential, which is why some individuals may be allergic to it and its derivatives.

Casein allergy

Specifically, what happens is that the body of allergic patients identifies this protein as a foreign compound and releases histamine in order to neutralize it. Consequently, reactions such as diarrhea, itchy throat, nasal congestion, burning eyes appear, among others.


This substance is derived from cow’s milk, so it is not appropriate for those who follow vegan diets or do not consume dairy. For this reason, they should make sure that the products they consume such as coffee, instant soups or cookies do not contain it.

What to remember about calcium caseinate?

Calcium caseinate is a substance that is used as a food additive in several of the products that you may consume daily, in addition, being a sports supplement you can incorporate it into your diet if you are looking to improve your muscle mass.

Remember, before using it, you should consult a professional to make sure there are no contraindications.

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