Treat Clogged Arteries With Grenades

In recent years, the pomegranate is becoming the subject of several studies. It is considered a medicinal fruit with antioxidant content and rich in polyphenols and with anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, today we show you how you could treat clogged arteries with pomegranate.

Therefore, we could be facing a daily supplement that could help us heart health, in addition, it can allow us to enjoy better general health, even fighting premature aging.

Join us to learn a little more about the pomegranate and its possible benefits.

Pomegranate benefits

The doctor in Pharmacy and research professor of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Francisco Tomás-Barberán, highlights, through this study, that the pomegranate represents a good source of vitamin C and folic acid.

In this same study, the expert continues stating that the most characteristic of it is its high content of polyphenols. The most abundant are hydrolyzable tannins, particularly punicalagins, whose content has been correlated with the high antioxidant power of pomegranate.

Pomegranates are that natural ally that we must introduce into our diet to defeat the three enemies of the arteries: hypertension, oxidative stress and cholesterol.

There are several studies that have shown scientific evidence that a diet rich in polyphenols is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. This is because they  have antioxidant and vasodilator effects,  among others.

What’s more: to treat clogged arteries with pomegranate we can ingest its juice, since it helps to clean fat deposits, prevents rigidity and reduces atherosclerosis, according to this study. In addition, it contains ellagitannins and anthocyanidins that optimize heart function thanks to its high antioxidant power.

The pomegranate contains multiple nutrients that promote blood circulation,  since they monitor the increase in bad cholesterol and balance our blood pressure. Another noteworthy fact is that they are not going to gain weight. On the contrary: they effectively regulate the accumulation of fat deposits.

Strategies to treat clogged arteries with pomegranate

Pomegranate juice on an empty stomach

As we have mentioned before, consuming pomegranate juice on an empty stomach is the best way to treat clogged arteries. To do this, you just have to peel one of these wonderful fruits and blend it into a natural juice.

If we take it on an empty stomach, we will assimilate its essential properties much better. You will see how, after a month, your cholesterol levels have dropped and your blood pressure has stabilized at normal values.

Pomegranate seed oil

You can find pomegranate seed oil in health food stores or specialty nutrition stores. It is very suitable for dressing our salads. However, you can also find it topical to prevent wrinkles, regenerate the skin and delay its aging.

Pomegranate peel extract

As we have pointed out before, the pomegranate peel contains multiple benefits that will help us reduce arterial inflammation and adherent fat deposits . However, the bark is often uncomfortable to consume since it is bitter and is not easy to blend to make a juice.

Therefore, you will be interested to know that many pharmacies sell pomegranate peel extract in the form of tablets. Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to find out if it is convenient or not for you to take them.

Pomegranate leaves

With the leaves and roots, infusions are prepared that are very beneficial for health and to treat clogged arteries.

However, you should not consume them on your own by collecting them directly from the tree. If you are interested in trying these infusions, go to a natural store. There, they market ready-to-infuse sachets where the exact amount is added.

It is important that you do not overindulge in these infusions of pomegranate leaves  because it can cause vomiting. It is enough to take an infusion a day or 4 cups a week.

Now, as we pointed out at the beginning, the best way to benefit from this fruit is through a juice or to consume it naturally in our salads. If you add the seeds to a spinach and walnut salad, you will get a wonderful dish to support your heart health.

Did you know all these beneficial properties for your cardiovascular system? Enjoy them and take care of your heart by doing a little exercise and maintaining a balanced diet . Worth it!

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