Recommended Foods To Reduce Arthritis

There are foods with anti-inflammatory properties that can be very useful to relieve arthritis symptoms, while providing us with nutrients to strengthen the body.

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints. The main symptoms are joint pain and stiffness. These symptoms tend to get worse with age.

The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While it is true that diet does not eliminate arthritis, it can help improve the condition.

Foods to relieve arthritis

Pain, lack of strength and deformity in the fingers are typical symptoms of this disease. However, these can be alleviated if we increase the consumption of certain foods.



The Omega 3 fatty acids contained in salmon have the ability to decrease inflammation, according to a study published in International Immunology . Also, salmon has vitamin D that reduces joint pain.

As an alternative to salmon you can consume nuts such as walnuts, almonds or peanuts. A handful at breakfast or mid-morning is enough.

Foods high in vitamin C

All those foods that have a significant amount of vitamin C protect cartilage. This is due to its ability to increase collagen synthesis, as stated by research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In turn, this nutrient strengthens the immune system, preventing us from getting sick.

This vitamin, in addition to citrus fruits, is also  present in many fruits.  Some of them are kiwi, strawberry and guava. The vegetables with the most vitamin C are broccoli, bell pepper, cabbage, and spinach.

Olive oil

olive-oil to reduce arthritis

One of the main ingredients in olive oil is oleocanthal, which has the ability to block the enzymes involved in the inflammation process. Omega 3 itself has also shown positive effects in facilitating arthritis management.

With 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil daily (as long as it is raw) is enough to reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis.

Apple vinager

Vinegar can be used both internally and externally. In the first case, there is a very popular home remedy that combines it with honey.


  • Water (200 ml).
  • Apple cider vinegar (10 ml), 1 tablespoon.
  • Honey (25 g).

First heat the water until it is lukewarm, and then add the vinegar and honey. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach every day.

However, for topical use you just have to soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar. Then   gently rub the affected area.

Brazil nuts

It is one of the largest sources of selenium that exists. The intake of three or four Brazil nuts provides 272 micrograms of this nutrient.

If we do not have enough selenium in the body, it is more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

This mineral has many beneficial properties. Among them, to help antioxidants in the elimination of free radicals that damage cells.


Onion to reduce arthritis

Along with leek, they are the two vegetables with the highest content of quercetin. This antioxidant serves to inhibit inflammation. For this reason, onion is considered a natural aspirin or ibuprofen.

Other foods high in this element are tomatoes and cabbages. You can prepare all kinds of recipes with these ingredients. It is advisable to consume them raw or steamed so that they do not lose their properties.


We consume it in powder form, or we use the grated root for an infusion or to add a citrus flavor to our food.

Ginger is also widely used in Japanese and Chinese gastronomy and, among its many properties, we highlight that it has an anti-inflammatory effect. For this reason it is useful in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis .

In addition, it can also be applied topically, and in that case, we must prepare an infusion and soak a cotton ball to rub the area to be treated. Another option is to use a ginger ointment and apply it several times a day to the inflamed area.

Green Tea

Green tea is another of the protagonists of oriental tables, which can be useful to us. Since it helps  reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis.

This is due to its great contribution of antioxidants (among them, epilagocatechin). These decrease the production of substances that cause joint pain.

To prepare the infusion, the ratio is one tablespoon of green tea for each cup of water. It is advisable to drink three or four cups a day.

Improving the diet can control arthritis

As you have seen, including the right foods can improve arthritis management. In addition, it will be necessary to guarantee the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis, since a sedentary lifestyle increases the progression of the pathology. Encouraging proper rest will also help.

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