Probiotic Foods For Your Intestinal Flora

Discover what are the probiotic foods for the care of your intestinal flora. You will be amazed to see its nutritional contribution.

Probiotic foods are those that contain live microorganisms that are capable of stimulating stomach enzymes and gastric juices. In this way, they not only nourish but also provide a practical benefit for digestive functions.

The intestinal flora is made up of a set of bacteria that live in the intestines  without causing disease. They represent an important defense mechanism since they contribute to the development of your immune response. In other words, the intestinal flora tries to avoid the colonization of the mucous membranes by harmful bacteria.

Remember that not all bacteria are harmful to the body. In fact, beneficial bacteria are often destroyed by poor eating habits, excessive alcohol consumption, and the intake of certain medications.

The good news is that with the right foods you can restore the correct amount of bacteria without much effort. Here we reveal the best options for both probiotic and prebiotic foods.

Probiotic foods for your intestinal flora

1. Kefir


Kefir is one of the most popular today. This is the healthiest and most digestive of the probiotic foods since it is rich in live ferments and contains less lactose than yogurt. It is a live mushroom that must be placed in a container with goat, cow or sheep milk. After 24 to 48 hours you should strain it.

The drink resulting from this process can be consumed immediately or reserved in the fridge. If you opt for the latter, leave the mushroom until the milk ferments. Those people who are lactose intolerant can take kefir without problem.

2. Fermented cabbage

Also called sauerkraut, it is the second food that increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in your intestines is a typical food in some European countries. It is usually served with meat and fish to facilitate digestion. To make it, you only need to let the cabbage leaves ferment with water and salt.

This type of food is not available in stores. If you do find it, it has probably been fermented with vinegar and alcohol. It is highly recommended that you make it yourself to ensure its quality. You can vary and try other types of vegetables.

3. Fermented pineapple

Fermented pineapple

Another drink that increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in your intestines is tepache or fermented pineapple. It is a fermented drink made from the skin of pineapple. To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 3.5 liters of water (14 cups).
  • The skin of a large or 2 medium ripe pineapple.
  • 500 grams of brown sugar, panela or cane honey (2 cups).


  • Wash well and cut the pineapple skin into small pieces.
  • Store these pieces in a ceramic or glass container with a tight lid and add two liters of water and the sugar.
  • Close well and let it rest in a warm place for 48 hours.
  • After this period, add the rest of the water and stir well.
  • Store in the refrigerator for another couple of hours.
  • Before consuming, we recommend chilling in the refrigerator. The excess should always be kept in the refrigerator.

4. Yogurt

It is a food made from fermented milk that comes from the transformation of lactose or milk sugar into lactic acid. This is exactly what makes yogurt taste sour.

In addition to being nutritious, it regulates intestinal functions and takes care of the intestinal flora. It also has a marked and harmless antibiotic activity that prevents and fights episodes of infectious diarrhea. We recommend consuming plain yogurt frequently.

To add flavor, you can add some fruits, honey, or oatmeal.

5. Tempeh


Tempeh is one of the most beneficial probiotic foods since it is a product of the fermentation of soybeans. Originally from Indonesia, where it has been considered for centuries as a simple food, but extremely rich in protein. This makes it an excellent substitute for animal-based foods, ideal for vegetarians.

It contains all the essential amino acids and is highly beneficial for women who are in the menopausal stage as it relieves the typical symptoms of this period and strengthens your bones.

The best prebiotic foods

Another food group that increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in your intestines are prebiotic foods. These are ingredients that promote the activity of various bacteria in the colon.

They are generally indigestible carbohydrates, such as fructo-oligosaccharides. These properties can be found in the following food groups:

1. Whole grains

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Whole grains are packed with fiber, which improves the work of the intestines and speeds up metabolism. It is recommended that you consume a couple of servings of whole grains each day to increase the beneficial bacteria in your intestines to avoid constipation, stomach aches and gas.

2. Green vegetables

Spinach, broccoli, and celery are good examples of prebiotic foods that provide beneficial bacteria for your intestines. They are rich in minerals and nutrients that improve your overall health.

It is recommended to include 1 cup of green vegetables at each meal. In this way, your digestive system will obtain the necessary elements to keep it functioning properly.

Finally, remember that the consumption of probiotics and prebiotics offers the possibility of improving health and / or  preventing certain diseases, and may be especially beneficial in population groups with special nutritional needs such as children, pregnant women and the elderly.

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