Prepare A Natural Spray For Throat Discomfort

It is very important that the ingredients we use are ecological and of quality, since in this way they will have more beneficial properties and our remedy will be much more effective

There are people who often suffer from throat discomfort, such as pain, inflammation, runny nose or hoarseness. Therefore,  we must learn to take care of everything that harms it, such as tobacco, talking too much or singing without the proper technique, cold temperatures in the neck, etc.

In this article we suggest that you make your own natural spray at home to prevent and treat these symptoms and prevent throat discomfort from becoming chronic.

Natural spray to treat throat discomfort

What ingredients do you need?

  • One level tablespoon of powdered ginger (10 g)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • One level tablespoon of ground cinnamon (10 g)
  • Peeling of half an ecological lemon.
  • 50 drops of propolis.
  • One tablespoon of raw honey (25 g)

Woman touching her neck for throat discomfort

What are the effects of the spray?

The ingredients selected to prepare this healing spray work in various ways on throat discomfort. Some of the effects are:

  • It acts as a natural antibiotic and prevents infections.
  • Deflates the throat and vocal cords, as well as the oral cavity.
  • Increases the body’s natural defenses.
  • Provides heat to balance the cold that may have caused the discomfort.
  • Soothe the pain.
  • Moisturizes the throat and facilitates its functions.
  • It helps to facilitate the expulsion of accumulated mucus.

In this way we not only get all these benefits, but we also avoid the side effects of conventional medications.

How do we make the spray?

  • First, we beat the hot water with the lemon peel, cinnamon and ginger.
  • Afterwards, we let it rest for about 10 minutes until the water is warm. Then, we strain the content.
  • Finally, we add honey and propolis.

We will keep this preparation in a pot outside the fridge, so as not to have to drink it cold. Honey, propolis, and lemon act as natural preservatives. However, we should consume it within a maximum of 10 days.

How do we take it?

We will only vaporize this remedy with an open mouth, directing it to the back of the throat. We can apply it three times a day  outside of meals or every hour if we are in an acute phase.

Properties of spray ingredients

Lemon peel

The peeling of this citrus fruit is much more powerful than its pulp. It is rich in vitamin C, an excellent antioxidant, cleanser, anticancer and anti-inflammatory. However, we must make sure that the lemon is ecological so that it does not contain toxic substances such as pesticides or waxes that can harm us.

If we are going to use the juice of an organic lemon we can grate and freeze its peel until we are going to use it. In this way it will preserve its properties intact and we will always have it ready to prepare our remedies.

Lemon peel has many beneficial properties that can improve throat discomfort


Along with garlic, propolis is the best natural antibiotic. Coming from bees, it is very effective if we are constant in the treatment both to prevent and to cure. Propolis is also an excellent antiseptic and will help soothe a sore throat.

Cinnamon and ginger

These two spices stimulate the body’s natural functioning and provide it with warmth both globally and locally. They also help us to eliminate accumulated mucus. After consuming them we will notice how the body allows us to expel it more easily.

The cinnamon must be of quality, known as Ceylon, which is the one with the most properties and aroma. The ginger can be dry and powdered or fresh and grated, which will be much more aromatic and beneficial.

Cinnamon and ginger promote the elimination of mucus and prevent throat discomfort

Honey bee

Honey is a medicinal food with antibacterial and expectorant properties. It is essential that the honey is raw, since the one that has been subjected to processes at high temperatures has much less healthy properties.

This process is usually done to make it liquid, so we must look for a honey that is still hardened. We can put it in the water bath ourselves, a method that is not harmful to food.

Did you know about this natural remedy to prevent and treat throat discomfort? It is normal that we can notice a little itching in the area when taking it, especially if there is an infection. For this reason, we always recommend consulting a specialist  before starting any natural treatment, especially if you suffer from a major illness or are taking medication.

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