Letting Go Is Not Giving Up, But Accepting What Cannot Be

Letting go is the most natural process in life. However, it is complex and is one of the ones that causes us the most suffering. In this sense, there are many situations in which we can find ourselves when letting go of something:

  • Break a relation.
  • Losing a loved one.
  • Change your habits.
  • Change job.
  • Leave our place of residence.

All of these are renunciations that we are going to experience at some point in our life cycle. It is something for which no one has prepared us and that we learn almost “by force”.

There is no magic formula that can help each of us to cope better.

These are situations marked by detachment, by emotional pain that, if not managed properly, can lead, for example, to depression.

However, we offer you some essential resources to lean on. They are some simple reflections that will help us to  obtain a little light in these moments of complexity.

Letting go, in order to receive

If we think about it for a moment, we will realize that the act of “letting go” is that eternal music that lives in the background in our lives.

We must understand that these words, letting go, are not exclusively linked to pain, loss or suffering. Sometimes giving up is a way of allowing ourselves to be a little happier as well.

  • Giving up what hurts us is prioritizing well-being.
  • Letting go of those who hurt us is to gain health and personal balance.
  • To get rid of certain habits, thoughts and limiting attitudes is to gain in opportunities and development.

Thus, it is worth remembering that the act of having to “let go”, of releasing or letting go is also an opportunity to renew ourselves and continue to grow as people.

However, as we well know, on other occasions it implies a hard goodbye that you have to know how to assume with integrity. Let’s see some strategies to deal with it.

Give time to time: beautiful things will appear again

When we lose something or someone or when we let them go, we feel as if a door is closing before us. We feel that this loss announces the end of the world.

In fact, we can believe it for at least a few months. This is the time when the natural process of mourning takes place.

  • Emotional relief, support and assuming the reality of the situation can help us.

Now, it is necessary to understand that “letting go” is also an act of insurmountable courage. Because no one can live clinging to suffering or pain.

  • When we lose someone we must “let him go” “let him go.”
  • This natural process that is goodbye also allows us to move forward, without forgetting what was left behind but being brave to smile again.

We have to give time to time. It is very possible that nothing will be the same again, but that it is different does not imply that it is “necessarily bad”. On the contrary, we can give way to new happy and beautiful situations.

You have to let go of what does not want to stay, what does not hold

There are times throughout our lives when we become obsessed with not changing anything. We even dream that whoever is by our side does not leave us, even if they no longer love us. It’s not the right thing to do.

  • It is necessary to bear in mind that there is no greater source of suffering than denial. We cannot keep our eyes closed to a reality that is collapsing and that we ourselves strive to hide.
  • We must let go of what no longer stands on its own because, otherwise, we will live in a painful and uncertain falsehood that no one deserves.
  • You have to be brave and face the realities. If they don’t like us, don’t ask for charity, or “extend it a little longer.” All of these are direct attacks on self-esteem.

    Sometimes, although it may seem incredible, letting go of what is no longer maintained is a way to find better things.

    Life will teach you who you should fight for and who is better to give up

    In this intense process of letting go, of freeing ourselves from what hurts us, who does not love us or who loves us badly, we in turn open an interesting procedure in which we discover everything that really matters.

    • It does not matter if along that road we are left with very few.
    • It does not matter if there are only four people next to you.
    • It does not matter if there are two interests on which you have decided to focus your life.

    If it is what makes you happy, if it is those people, those things that really enrich your mind and your heart, then all the detachment that you have carried out will have been worth it.

    let go

    Also do not forget that what you have left behind have been key pieces. Everything experienced is important. Although none of it is part of your destiny, it is a part of your personal history.

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