Learn To Remove Corns Effectively

Corns are calluses that usually appear on the fingers and other areas of the feet. This problem occurs when too much friction or pressure is applied to the feet or hands, which creates a defense mechanism with which the skin protects itself against the formation of blisters or ulcers that can be infectious.

Although at first the corns do not generate any ailment or discomfort, with the passage of time they can become painful, making it difficult to walk or different daily activities.

Many people make the serious mistake of trying to pluck or slice corns to reduce the unsightly appearance of thick, dry skin. However, this can be very painful and can lead to infections that can make the problem more serious.

It is for this reason that we must look for other alternatives to end calluses and be very patient in the elimination process. For those who do not have problems in using home treatments, do not miss the following tips and remedies to remove calluses.

Tips to prevent and remove corns naturally

The first thing you should do to prevent and eliminate calluses is to replace the footwear that is causing this discomfort on your feet. Footwear that is too tight, especially on the toes, often causes this type of injury to form so, if left unchanged, it will be difficult to remove them completely.

If possible , wear comfortable shoes that allow air flow. Likewise, you should try to wear socks when wearing closed shoes. Keep the skin of the feet clean and dry at all times. If you are one of those who suffers from sweaty feet, do not forget to use an antiperspirant and socks.

After a difficult day, prepare a bath for your feet with a little hot water with liquid soap. Let them soak for 10 minutes to notice relief.

Natural treatments to get rid of corns


To start this treatment you must soak your feet in hot water for about 20 minutes. After this time, scrape the corns with a pumice stone, making a side-to-side motion.

Rinse the stone and the feet periodically to remove the small residues that remain when scraping the corns. Sand as long as necessary to almost the surface, but be careful not to reach the healthy skin layer. When your feet are pink and you notice the difference in the callus you can finish the treatment.

Lemon and garlic treatment

This lemon and garlic treatment helps remove the dead cells accumulated in the callus, while softening it to facilitate its removal. All you have to do is mix a teaspoon of dried chamomile with lemon juice and a crushed garlic clove. This treatment is applied to the affected area, it is left to act for 20 minutes and it is removed with warm water.

Sodium bicarbonate

A product as cheap and easy to buy as baking soda is also ideal for removing annoying and painful calluses. Simply dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in warm water and soak your feet there for 30 minutes.

Onion, lemon and salt treatment

This treatment helps eliminate bacteria and dead cells that may have accumulated in the callus. Lemon and onion help to deeply cleanse the skin to soften it, while the salt helps to exfoliate it naturally.

Simply cut an onion slice and top it with a few drops of lemon juice and salt. Cover it with a bandage or adhesive to hold the callus overnight and repeat the procedure every day.

Tomato treatment

Another way to soften and remove corns naturally is by using the properties of tomato. This ingredient will help to soften the hardness and facilitate the removal of the callus. All you have to do is extract the tomato pulp and apply it directly to the affected area. Later cover with a bandage and let it act overnight. Repeat the treatment daily, before going to sleep.

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