In The Small Details The Greatness Of People Is Known

Small everyday details are what build emotional universes. And it is that, to know the greatness of a person, it is not enough to pay attention to their appearance. Nor do his words reveal what is behind his speeches or his attitudes; since the true essence is in those imperceptible things that are built day by day.

In fact, to build lasting and satisfying bonds (that is, to build the best friendship or the best relationship) you need to attend to those little details. It is there where the true roots of a person are deepened.

Perhaps you are also an observer of these kinds of qualities. Next, we suggest you reflect on this topic that threads part of personal relationships. It will be of use to you.

The little details: the language of the heart

As an article published by the International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities explains , parents often teach social norms in childhood. These initiate a person in respect, courtesy and that type of behavior with which a tissue of tolerance is built where they can live with each other.

Now, beyond the rules of courtesy, beyond the border of “please”, “thank you” or “good morning”; that intimate consciousness is integrated where the authentic personality is engendered.

  • Someone can be courteous; However, behind that facade there is the possibility of hiding a hidden interest.
  • On the other hand, there are also those who do not value small details. Something like this does not reveal that one is a good or a bad person, it only defines that it gives value to other types of behavior.

The big acts and the little details

There are those who think that love is shown in great acts, in the purest “all or nothing” style. Now, the most satisfactory and happy relationships are those where, day by day, the bond is renewed.

No gifts or heroic deeds are required. What is really needed is a reciprocity where the looks are sincere. This is where affection is perceived and demonstrated. For example, a “how did you spend the day?” or “you make me happy” are details that are appreciated and enriching more than any other material gift.

Values ​​are hidden in small gestures

Sometimes you surround yourself with people who look at you but don’t see you. That is, you are close to friends or family who hear you, but are not listening.

However, suddenly, there is someone who reads you like an open book and who, through small details, shows their sincere interest.

It is these everyday gestures that demonstrate the natural goodness of a person. This is because, somehow, people have a kind of “inner compass” that reveals when someone is sincere and when they are not.

Who gives value to the small details is because they make an effort, because there is intentionality and feeling.

Phrases such as “if I ask you how you are, it is because I really care” or “I propose to accompany you because I really want to, because I want to know that you are going to get there well” are one of those little things that are appreciated every day by people more dear.

Happiness is in the little details

Happiness is, among other things, the absence of fear. In that state of tranquility and emotional balance, one is more receptive to what is around him.

A smile, a sincere look, a caress, a laugh, an unexpected surprise … It is these simple acts that elevate the mood to enjoy that happiness capable of making you forget your sorrows or disappointments.

Woman holding out hearts.

Also, don’t get hung up on impossible goals. As described in a study carried out by researcher Paula Ruiz Torres: if you intend to achieve great achievements by setting impossible goals, it is most likely that at some point frustration or failure will appear.

To find yourself well, it is not necessary to climb the highest peak. Sometimes it is enough to stay in a quiet valley from where you can admire the sky. There you will discover that the true maps of happiness are drawn through small details; traversing discreet but golden paths to reach full personal fulfillment.

Create a bond of complicity with yourself and with others

To be the architects of that respectful coexistence capable of giving value to small acts. Act with humility and respect; valuing yourself the same as others. Well, according to research collected in the Annals of Psychology, collective self-esteem is linked to personal.

On the other hand, understand that by saying “I love you” too much, love will be more sincere. Sometimes, it is better to know how to demonstrate that affection with authenticity than to remain only with mere words since, ultimately, the small details represent the language of the heart.

Image courtesy of Christian Schloe

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