Hygge, The Danish’s Key To Being Happy

When we think of Denmark, images of snow, ice and very cold automatically come to mind . However, the Danes have been able to take advantage of their geographical (and, above all, climatic) condition to live happily at any time of the year. The concept is called hygge and it does not have a literal translation in other languages. Thus, this word teaches us about a lifestyle.

In this article we will tell you what it is about!

Hygge : comfortable and cozy homes

comfortable and cozy homes

There is no single definition for the word hygge . Each one translates it in the way that they want or that seems most appropriate.

What all Danes do agree on is that it is a beautiful sensation. It is a way of life and it should spread to the whole world.

If we asked a resident of Denmark about this way of life, he would tell us that it is “sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, on a snowy night, wearing a woolen sweater knitted by our grandmother, drinking a cup of coffee, while we read a novel and the family pet lies at our feet ”.

It is a great plan for the winter, without a doubt.

But it is not only that beautiful moment of being home after work when the weather does not allow you to be on the street. Also,  contemplate the little pleasures in life.

What they are depends on each one. It could well be eating freshly baked cookies, watching the rain from the window, watching a movie in bed, sharing a dinner with our family, etc.

Hygge  is pronounced [hu ga] in Danish and is often translated as “cozy”; this is why it is so difficult to find a single definition.

Perhaps the feeling of comfort for you is not the same as for those around you. However, no one can deny that it is an attitude towards life and around us.

Basically, it is being thankful for what we have.

Is hygge only good in winter?

Hygge only works in winter

It is true that Denmark is a country where the cold really feels, but it also has hot summers. That does not change the way residents live in relation to their hygge .

This attitude has nothing to do with the temperature outside. Thus, we can carry it out in the summer season.

The only difference will be that, instead of being protected from the wind or snow, we will find ourselves outdoors enjoying our loved ones and leisure time.

The idea is to feel at home wherever we are. That we forget about problems and worries at least for a while.

It does not matter if it is 0 or 30 ° C, if it rains or there is a bright sun, if we are in the living room or in a park … What matters is how we are experiencing this situation.

How to practice hygge anywhere in the world?

How to practice hygge anywhere in the world

Although the Danes try to explain that the concept is not just about winter, it is a bit difficult for others to separate hygge from cold days.

For this reason, when the idea was exported to other latitudes, there was always talk of getting more welcoming and warm spaces. Not specifically from habit or the way of enjoying life.

There are companies in the United States and in Europe that are responsible for decorating our rooms well in the Danish style, with large sofas, thick rugs, tapestries on the walls and a large fireplace as the star protagonist of the room.

However, in addition to interior decoration, food is a highlight of the “made in Denmark” concept , so we can also find bakeries that sell the typical breads and sweets from these lands.

We can all put the idea of hygge into practice no matter where we live or the climate of our city.

How? To begin with, enjoying free time at home and seeking to be happy with those details that in any situation would go unnoticed.

That our best friends make time to visit us, that we prepare a delicious cake even if it is not our birthday, that they are showing one of our favorite movies on television, that we try a new tea … these are all reasons to feel comfortable and grateful .

Hygge is being good to yourself

Hygge is being good to yourself

In order to be happy and feel full, it is necessary that we love and respect each other. The own affection then extends towards others and what surrounds us.

That is the first thing we must achieve to enjoy hygge properly . To be good to yourself is to pamper yourself, not judge yourself, and not punish yourself.

Nor will we go into debauchery or excessive permission but, at least for a while, be happy eating a piece of chocolate, drinking a glass of wine, forgetting about problems, enjoying a book or a series …

With so little we can receive so much!

It will be for this reason that in Denmark people do not usually diet or “kill themselves” in the gym to obtain the desired figure. They also don’t feel guilty when they eat a cookie or accept yet another serving of their favorite dish.

In what way do you think you could be totally happy and proclaim the concept of hygge ?

Do not hesitate to look for those pleasant moments that make you smile and make you enjoy, even if only for a few minutes, that feeling of peace and tranquility.

Cozy does not have to be extraordinary or expensive… A cup of tea, some good socks and some candles is enough.

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