How To Use Garlic To Fight Intestinal Infections

It is the best natural antibiotic, it attacks pathogens and raises the body’s defenses. One of the best remedies we can find is garlic to fight intestinal infections, among many other benefits. A simple and inexpensive option.

Garlic is a plant rich in allicin, allyl sulfide, quercetin, and caffeic acid, which are added to 60 other compounds with antimicrobial properties. It is a natural option against the dangers of antibiotics, and its consumption has no side effects. It is an effective remedy that attacks bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

A remedy for different types of discomfort

Two or three cloves of garlic per day guarantee faster healing from many diseases. Infectious sinusitis, chronic diarrhea, vaginal yeast infection or genital herpes have a powerful enemy in garlic. In addition, it is much cheaper than any other antibiotic.

Garlic is also very useful in cases of:

  • Diabetes
  • Toothaches
  • Colds
  • High blood pressure or heart disease
  • Increased triglycerides and cholesterol

100 times more effective than pills

Antibacterial properties of garlic clove.

The natural properties of garlic are one hundred times more effective than pills. They protect effectively against bacteria such as  Campylobacter Jejuni  and  Echerichia Coli . These bacteria cause intestinal diseases and have the ability to create a film that makes them resistant to antibiotics. But not garlic.

Its contribution of allicin makes it one of the vegetables with the most healing properties. It is antiseptic, it favors the secretion of digestive juices and digestion.

Continuing with the benefits of garlic, it stimulates the nervous system, purifies the bronchial tubes and helps restore the health of the lungs. A clove of garlic a day, together with a diet low in salt, fat and meat, prevents hypertension and improves the immune system.

How to use garlic to fight intestinal infections

The technique of crushing a garlic clove 10 minutes before consuming it completely raw will ensure sufficient concentration to treat any infection. That way, your natural antibiotic will be activated. The habit of swallowing a clove of garlic without chewing, three times a day, also helps to cope with other disorders.

Garlic with tomato and lemon

But there are more ways to have a natural remedy: with 4 cloves of garlic blended with 2 tomatoes, a pinch of salt and the juice of a lemon an antibiotic drink is made. This is a rich recipe that, in addition to eliminating disease-causing microorganisms, increases the body’s defenses.

Garlic to marinate meats

A recommendation to consume meat without risk is to marinate it or rub it with garlic for several minutes. Dangerous bacteria present on its surface will be removed.

Home remedies with garlic

Garlic apple cider vinegar antibiotic

To the antibiotic properties of garlic we can add those of apple cider vinegar. This type of vinegar counteracts high levels of acidity in the blood, infections and the weakening of defenses.

Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins B and C, malic and tartaric acids, as well as pectin, a fiber that protects the intestines. Together they make up a natural preparation that inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses; to optimize its effects its ingredients must be completely organic.


  • 10 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of honey (335 g)


  1. Peel, chop or crush the garlic cloves.
  2. Add them to a glass jar and pour in the apple cider vinegar and honey.
  3. You will shake the jar for a minute and a half, until the ingredients are well mixed.
  4. It can be refrigerated or kept at room temperature.


  • One tablespoon on an empty stomach prevents diseases.
  • If we suffer from an intestinal infection, we can consume two tablespoons before each meal for five days.

Tips to get over intestinal infections

In addition to consuming garlic, blended or chopped cloves, it is essential to prioritize proper hydration. Drink plenty of fluids, keep resting, and substitute fatty foods for fruits, vegetables, or lean meats.

In case of stomach upset, do not drink alcoholic or carbonated beverages, or take medications to stop diarrhea. In the event that two days pass without symptoms disappearing, a doctor should be consulted.

If we learn  how to use garlic to fight intestinal infections, everything will be easier. This natural antibiotic and antiseptic is one of the most effective remedies, it is inexpensive and has no side effects.

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