How To Overcome The Fear Of Change?

The fear of change is nothing more than an attachment to our comfort zone, but we must know that outside this is where all the opportunities to grow are.

The comfort zone has caused us to develop a fear of excruciating change. In fact, it contributes to our cultivating wrong beliefs and thus, instead of seeing change as harmless, it scares and repels us.

The fear of change paralyzes us. And the uncertainty, not knowing what is going to happen next makes us put courage aside, forgotten. Routine is our excuse to maintain a sense of control.

However, the truth is that only with change can we grow, mature and learn. Only with change can we get out of harmful situations that make us suffer and prevent us from moving forward.

The beliefs that fuel the fear of change

Scared woman

There are many beliefs that influence fear of change. Many situations that society has told us that, if they occur, we have to be alert, because something is going to go wrong, very wrong … Let’s take some examples.

Let’s imagine that we are with a partner. Everything is going great but, after a few years, sexual encounters decrease, our partner does not call us as much as before, nor does he give us so many things.

The relationship has fallen into a rut. The infatuation phase is over. Then, we get restless and we think that everything is lost, but has anyone ever told us about mature love or the evolution of relationships over time? The truth is that no.

We are often told that if we have less sex or receive less attention, perhaps our partner is being unfaithful, that he no longer wants us, that we have grown older or that the relationship is going downhill.

The problem is that we take these ideas as absolute truths and not as potentially harmful beliefs for us and also, our relationship. And in the midst of all this, we do not realize that, perhaps, we ourselves have changed and that therefore there may be something different in the relationship.

The fear of change that haunts us so much in the example of couple relationships can be extrapolated to others; like work relationships or friendships. Seen like this,  wouldn’t it be more beneficial to start looking at the changes from a healthier perspective?

Changes are beneficial

Comfort zone

Can we imagine being like when we were little? Our fear of change is unfounded, because we change, we grow old, we acquire experiences, new ways of thinking … We are constantly changing!

We have to get away from all those beliefs that tell us otherwise, that cloud our minds and make us fear what, in reality, is something harmless. For example, instead of seeing the change in the relationship as a bad thing, we have to think about the natural flow of relationships over time.

In this way, we can also analyze if there are any routine or sloppy problems that may be affecting us and that we must solve. Of course, all this, without drama and without crying out to heaven.

Woman jumping with balloons

The same is true in other areas. Let’s imagine that there are layoffs in the company and the fear of being the next consumes us. That job has become a comfort zone, what are we going to do if they kick us out? The truth is that we can do many things.

We can take advantage of the time we have left while we are unemployed to take courses and train ourselves even more in what we like. Also, we can rethink looking for a different job that meets our expectations.

The fear of change is an unjustified fear, the result of those who want stability and who fear leaving that comfort zone that does not allow them to grow, but that provides them with false security.

Not worth it. All change is fruitful, it is a going forward, taking new directions that will only enrich us and that will allow us to mature.

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