How To Make Bags With The Furoshiki Technique

Fortunately, today we have many ways to collaborate with the environment and also with the ideal methods to spread them. One that is very fashionable today is the idea of ​​making bags with the Furoshiki technique. You do not know her? So keep reading!

As the name implies, this technique comes from Japan. It basically consists of replacing conventional bags with other somewhat more rustic ones, made with fabric.

But not just any fabric is used, but a very special one, designed specifically for these purposes. Furoshiki fabrics are wide, square and colorful; Its reason for being is the transport and storage of objects, although they also have other uses.

Precisely, one of its main advantages is that, once the bag is disassembled, it does not lose its usefulness. You can perfectly use it as a handkerchief, tablecloth, sheet, ornament or whatever it was before.

In addition, they are ideal for wrapping gifts or for carrying light things in a practical way.  You will no longer have to transport your backpack from one place to another when it really is not worth it.

Some history

The word Furoshiki comes precisely from the phrase  Furo – Shiki , which means ‘spread in the bathroom’. The origin of the name dates back to Japan in the seventeenth century, when these fabrics were used to leave clothes on while a person took a bath.

Over the years, its use was expanded to transport objects, mainly when trade expanded in that country. Even, also from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they were used as decorative elements of weddings.

From there, the Furoshiki has been passed from generation to generation in Asia. Recently, about the end of the 20th century, it was partially displaced by the western purse or wallet. However, even today, it remains an important element of Japanese culture.

How to make bags with the Furoshiki technique?

Here are some great ways to make bags with the Furoshiki technique. There are several ways, depending on the size and shape of the object you want to wrap. Pay attention, practice and use it as you like!

1. Wrapping a box with the Furoshiki technique

First, you should put the fabric as a diamond and place the box in the middle. Then, take two opposite ends and cross them in the center; once you have crossed them and without releasing them, cross them again to the sides.

The next step will be to adjust and tie the ends that you crossed with the ends of the fabric that still remain in their original place. At the end, the box should have been perfectly wrapped, with two beautiful bows on the top.

2. Another way to wrap a box or other object

In addition to the method above, you can use these simple steps to wrap something. First, repeat the initial step from before: the object in the middle and the diamond-shaped fabric.

Next, cross one of the ends over the object until it is wrapped and place it underneath. Then, cross the other end over the top and tie the two remaining ends above the box with a knot; finish with a bun, and voila!

3. Make bags with the Furoshiki technique for balls

pack the balls with the Furoshiki technique

This technique is just as simple as the previous ones: put the ball in the center of the fabric. Later, tie two continuous ends with a knot and do the same with the remaining two. It should look like a bag, with an open space under each knot.

Then, you just have to pass one of the knots under the other and stretch one to have your bag ready. Easy right?

4. Furoshiki for wrapping bottles

Yes, this technique can also be used to wrap bottles. How? First, put the bottle in the center and join two opposite ends on top of it.

Next, you have to give the bottle a turn with each of the remaining tips. Always make sure to leave the knot tied above the bottle beforehand, as this will serve as a handle. Finally, tie a knot between the two ends that surround the bottle.

Surely you loved these ways of making bags with the Furoshiki technique. Do not hesitate to try them and surprise your family and friends with original and precious packaging for your presents.

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