How To Make An Adhesive Strip To Remove Blackheads From The Nose

Women often look for a way to remove blackheads from the nose to show off clean skin. These small blemishes are sometimes unsightly. In fact, they are small pimples that appear when pores become clogged by excess oil, dead cells and dirt particles from the environment.

There are solutions to minimize your appearance to achieve smoother, brighter and healthier skin. Among these, adhesive strips have become popular that penetrate deep into the pores to make cleaning easier. Next, we propose an interesting way to make them at home. Are you interested? Take aim!

Appearance of blackheads

Once the pore is clogged, the skin’s natural oils do not flow normally to the surface. When exposed to oxygen, a hardness is created that takes on a dark color.

However, despite the appearance that it gives to the skin, dirt and oil are not its exact origin. As the expert Jonette E. Keri points out, most of the time they are caused by hormonal changes (especially, related to androgens).

However, they are also a negative reaction to excessive use of makeup and some cosmetic products that mix with the natural oil of the skin.

Facial skin with black dots.

Adhesive strip to remove blackheads from the nose

As the following project developed in 2018 by the Universitas Negeri Jakarta shows, the adhesive strips with charcoal to combat blackheads are a product that has been gaining fame for some time. For many, its use is attractive because it leaves the skin clean and renewed in a short time.

There is a 100% natural method that allows for positive effects. It is a band of unflavored milk and gelatin, whose sticky texture easily adheres to the nose to remove impurities.

Its astringent and nourishing properties regulate excess fat production, while providing softness and firmness. In fact, it is recommended if you have open pores and often suffer from pimples in this area. In addition, it can be an excellent ally against blackheads that form in the so-called T-zone of the face.

How to prepare this adhesive strip to remove blackheads?

Once the properties of this method have been explained, we will tell you how to make the strips to eliminate these small imperfections.


  • 1 tablespoon of neutral unflavored gelatin powder (10 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of skim milk (10 ml).
  • Activated charcoal (optional).



  • Container.
  • Spoon.
  • Brush or an eyeshadow brush.


  • Add the gelatin powder to a microwave-safe container. Then mix with the milk.
  • Stir with a spoon and make sure to leave everything well integrated and without lumps.
  • If you think the pasta is dry, add an additional teaspoon of milk.
  • Take the preparation to the microwave oven. Once done, wait for it to heat up for about 15 seconds.
  • If you decide to add a pinch of activated charcoal, do so when the mixture is warm and mix well.
  • When it has rested for a few minutes, you will notice that a thick black paste forms. Ready to apply!

Application mode

These products are of natural origin. Therefore, it is important that to rule out any type of allergy or side effect, you apply a test of the mixture (for example, on the wrist). Once you check for reactions, follow these steps:

  • The first thing you have to do is clean the skin with makeup remover or a little neutral soap.
  • Once you make sure to leave it clean, spread a thin layer of the product ; covering the entire area that is invaded by black dots.
  • Use a clean eyeshadow brush to make sure the strip is flat.
  • Wait for it to act for 20 minutes. Once dry, take the band by one end and remove it with a single pull to eliminate the stitches. Be careful in this step ; as too much force can be aggressive to the skin.

Homemade adhesive strip application to remove blackheads

  • After removing the strip, rinse with plenty of cold water and apply a moisturizing lotion to prevent subsequent dryness.
  • If you have an allergic reaction, remove it immediately. It is important that you avoid using it again.

    Pure origin ally to remove blackheads

    Do not forget that this treatment can be done maximum twice a week ; since the excesses alter the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    As you have read, with basic ingredients you will make  an effective ally to remove those black spots that make your face look dirty. Go ahead and try it at home and enjoy its benefits.

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