How To Connect Emotionally With Those Around You?

To connect emotionally with others, it is essential that we learn to listen and look into their eyes. Many times our shyness makes us miss meeting extraordinary people.

Do you find it difficult to connect emotionally with those around you? Sometimes, it is not only with strangers, but also with friends, family, brothers …

Although it is difficult for you, do not worry, you can learn to connect emotionally with those around you thanks to the keys that we are going to give you.

For this it is important that you analyze your way of interacting with others.

Are you a shy person? Is it difficult for you to express your feelings? Do you look into my eyes? These may be factors that may be preventing you from connecting emotionally with other people.

Listen and watch carefully to connect emotionally

Woman listening

It may have happened to you that someone you were talking to did not look you in the eye. He was looking down, up, to the sides, but at no point did he make eye contact with you.

This is terrible in communication and you may do the same without realizing it.

The look will allow you to connect emotionally with those around you, because you will feel and they will feel close while you have a conversation with other people.

The look can say many things: “I understand you”, “I am interested in what you say to me”, “I am empathizing with you”.

However, the look is not the only key, active listening is also essential. Well, you may put this into practice, but you are so focused on avoiding the gaze of others that you forget to listen to them.

Listening carefully to what others tell us and not intervening unless it is our turn will allow us to connect emotionally with other people.

They will feel that we are paying attention, interest and that we are empathizing with what they are saying to us.

The connection stories

Connection stories

The connection stories are those experiences of ours or those points in which we coincide with the people we have just met or who have just gone through the same thing. Let’s give a simple example.

Let’s imagine that we are attending English classes and we still don’t know anyone. Suddenly, a person sits next to us. She carries a small notebook that says “poems.”

It catches our attention and far from being silent we say: “How interesting! Do you write poetry? ” . The other person says “yes” and we tell him that we have a poetry blog .

That’s it, a connection story has emerged that will lead us to the desire to know more about the other, to see where more points coincide and a beautiful friendship may begin. Connection stories are very important.

Therefore, to connect emotionally with those around you, do not be afraid to express what you think. According to the example above, one could shut up and say nothing when looking at the notebook. But you would be missing out on a great opportunity!

Communicating with others, facing our shyness and fears, looking into their eyes and listening carefully are great keys that will allow us to connect with wonderful people with whom we can establish very strong ties.

Don’t judge in a hasty way

Woman judging

Perhaps, the fact that you are not able to connect emotionally with those around you are not the aforementioned issues, but that you judge others quickly.

For this, it is important to be open to knowing people for how they are, not for how you think they are.

Sometimes we mount stories in our heads as a result of lived experiences or various generalizations that only harm us when we want to meet new people. So let’s be aware of these judgments and throw them away.

Surely each of us has some experience in which he judged someone too quickly and then regretted it because reality showed him that the other person was the opposite.

Let’s take it as a reference so as not to incur the same type of error.

Are you able to connect emotionally with those around you? What is the factor that influences you not to do it?

For example, if you are not able to look into their eyes, it may be because you feel embarrassed or shy. If you don’t listen, it may be because you underestimate the importance of what others tell you.

We don’t have to blame ourselves for what we discover about our attitude. Being aware is what will allow us to solve it, be as we want to be and connect emotionally with others.

Because there are so many wonderful people we deserve to meet.

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