Homemade Evening Primrose And Rosehip Cream For Stretch Marks

This cream is perfect for hydrating and nourishing the skin. In this way it is possible to improve its elasticity and fight against unsightly stretch marks.

Stretch marks are the marks that appear on the skin as a result of the breakage of the skin’s elastic fibers. Its appearance is related to a lack of elasticity of the skin.

These can be prevented and combated with adequate hydration, among other things.

In this article we show you how to make your own cream to relieve stretch marks at home. This is due to the virtues of its two main ingredients: evening primrose oil and rosehip oil.

Can we relieve stretch marks?

pregnant putting cream on her belly

There are women who have stretch marks from a very young age. However, there are others who do not suffer even during pregnancy. When there are sudden changes in weight, the elasticity of the skin is essential. Thus, it depends on genetic issues, but also on how we take care of it.

The most common areas where stretch marks appear are the belly, hips, buttocks, thighs and breasts.

To have elastic skin in which stretch marks do not appear, it is very important to nourish it from the inside, with a balanced diet and drinking enough water.

Likewise, it is essential to nourish it on the outside, with the use of specific moisturizing lotions that enhance the natural flexibility of the skin.

Reducing stretch marks is easier in the early stages, when they are still reddish, before turning whitish. However, we are always on time to avoid that we get more.

Evening primrose oil

evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of this tree native to North America and Europe.

It contains outstanding amounts of vitamin E and omega-6 essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and gamma-linoleic acid. These values ​​make it an excellent remedy both internally, as a hormonal regulator, and externally.

In any case, if we decide to ingest it in supplement form, it should always be done with a prescription.

Externally, it can be applied to both the skin and the hair, as it can help us to:

  • Moisturize and soften the skin, while it has a rapid absorption that does not leave the skin oily.
  • Give more elasticity to the skin, so that it helps prevent wrinkles and stretch marks.
  • Regulate skin disorders such  as acne or eczema.
  • Soothe irritations and burns.
  • Delay cellular aging.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is becoming more and more popular among our natural cosmetic products. This vegetable oil is extracted from the seeds of a wild bush of the Rosa eglanteria plant  , native to Europe and some Latin American countries.

This oil stands out for its high content of antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E and essential fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6 and linoleic). Thus, it can help us  penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and enhance its regeneration.

Therefore, it can be a good ally to combat stretch marks and all kinds of injuries or scars. It can also help remove blemishes and prevent premature aging.

In addition, rosehip oil is very nourishing, making it excellent for the driest, dehydrated and mature skin.

However, it may be too dense to apply directly to the skin. For this reason, for the formula of our body cream we will combine it with evening primrose oil, which is more fluid, and with aloe vera gel, with a watery and light consistency.

What do we need?

evening primrose oil

To make this moisturizing anti-stretch mark cream we will need ingredients that are easily found in herbalists and home-made cosmetics and natural products stores.


  • 100 ml of aloe vera gel
  • 60 ml evening primrose oil
  • 40 ml rosehip oil

The aloe vera gel will act as the base of this lotion to facilitate its application. In addition, it will help us to regulate the amount of fat in the oils and provide refreshing, regulating and soothing benefits to our cream.

We will also need a dark bottle, preferably glass, in which we can keep the cream.


Making this moisturizing cream is very simple since we only have to emulsify the ingredients. To do this, we just have to beat the aloe vera well with the two oils so that they mix.

If we have very dry skin we can increase the proportion of oils. On the other hand, if we have fat or want a lighter lotion, we will increase the amount of aloe vera.

We will keep the cream in the fridge so that it better maintains its properties.

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