Fun And Interesting Facts About Snoring

Snoring can be due to different causes as they depend, in turn, on various factors. Therefore, it is very important to know how to detect them and learn to correct them.

I do not snore “, “ my husband does not let me sleep with his snoring “, “ I have to wake my partner to stop snoring . Surely you have heard, read or even said some of these phrases, haven’t you?

These sounds that occur when sleeping are quite strange, but also more common than you think. Therefore, it is worth getting to know them a little better. Here are some curious and interesting facts about snoring.

Curiosities about snoring

Factors that increase the chance of snoring

You more than likely know that those who sleep on their backs are more likely to snore than those who sleep on their side or stomach. However, there are other characteristics that are worth knowing about these annoying night noises.

According to an article published by the National Institute on Aging (NIH) , there are three main factors for a person to snore: 

  • Overweight.
  • To smoke.
  • Drinking too much alcohol

    If any of them is your case, it would be convenient for you to start taking care of your figure, diet and exercise, stop smoking … Ultimately, the key is to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Also, these changes can improve your well-being completely.


    Allergies also play a role

    Other culprits, according to experts, of having to listen to a person snore at night are allergies and nasal problems; and therefore, it is also more likely to snore in winter or spring than in summer.

    In the first place, because when it is cold one gets sicker (the nose gets congested) and, on the other hand, because together with flowers and on warmer days, pollen appears and, with it, seasonal allergies . All of this makes the “perfect combo” that can be expanded by adding any of the three previous factors.

    At what volume do you snore?

    The volume of snoring can be between 50 and 100 decibels. This may seem strange, but it is similar to the noise of a pneumatic drill.

    How can you not want to leave the room if the couple snores! It’s like having a construction site very close to your ears or next door!

    Associated snoring

    Did you know that there is a Snoring Association ? That’s right, and it’s in England.

    According to this body, sleeping with someone who snores can cost up to two years of lost sleep throughout life, as well as cause sleep apnea, bad mood, irritability, concentration problems and nightmares.

    All of this could be added to the list of cause of divorce. Several studies have shown that if one of the spouses snores, there is a greater chance of separation. Or, at least, to sleep in separate rooms.

    Family issue

    The next time you meet with your parents, ask them if they snore. Why? Because snoring is hereditary. 70% of those who snore have parents who also snore or, where appropriate, close relatives such as uncles or grandparents.


    It is often thought that men snore more than women, and this is indeed the case. However, the difference is not as abysmal as it is thought. 40% of men snore and 30% of women also. Continuing with the percentages, 45% of adults snore at least once a week and 25% do it between two and three times a week.

    If snoring is from children

    If you have small children and you perceive that one of them snores a lot at night, it is best to consult your doctor. Some people consider that they may be showing symptoms of hyperactivity or attention disorders. However, a study published in the Argentine Archive of Pediatrics shows that snoring is not a direct cause that indicates any of these problems.

    If it is an isolated case, it may be a nasal congestion or that you are very tired from the activities you do daily. There are people who snore since they are babies, but the noise is almost imperceptible in the first months of life. However, as it grows, it can increase.

    Some roqu

    Sing so as not to snore

    An accidental discovery showed that singing reduces snoring when sleeping. Singing exercises improve and strengthen the vocal cords and throat, preventing the air from passing louder and causing snoring.

    The credit goes to a British choir director, Alise Ojay, who suffered for many years from the unbearable sounds of her husband. She suggested that she perform a vocalization routine for 20 minutes a day and, in view of the results, she later contacted a doctor specialized in complementary techniques to help her carry out a study with 20 volunteers.

    However, if the problem persists it is always advisable to consult your doctor. Today, you can opt for the option of surgery to solve this problem. Therefore, listening to your loved ones is also essential since a large number of people do not “accept” that they snore. Like they can tell while they sleep… right?

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