Foods That Clog The Arteries

As far as possible we should avoid the intake of harmful fats that can clog the arteries and opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables

There are some foods that clog the arteries when eaten excessively and consistently. Although arterial blockage can occur due to the sum of several factors, diet seems to play an important role. Are you interested in knowing more about it? Here we tell you more.

Why are the arteries clogged?

When the arteries become clogged we are faced with a condition known as atherosclerosis. According to a publication in the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, it is a health problem that develops specifically in the blood vessels.

There are different risk factors that increase the chances of suffering from heart problems due to blocked arteries. For example, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity.

However, there are also other triggers related to habits:

  • To smoke.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • Do not exercise.
  • Eat foods full of fat.

Fats (or plaque) build up on the artery walls, narrowing them and making them stiffer. When this happens, the blood flow cannot move normally.

In many cases, clogged arteries have no symptoms (as does cholesterol). That is why we unfortunately become aware of the problem when a cardiovascular attack occurs.

For this reason, it  is very important to follow a balanced diet, rich in raw fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods. In addition, it is also advisable to do physical activity.

What are the foods that clog the arteries?

Diet is a fundamental pillar of well-being. For this reason, they often recommend us to maintain a healthy diet, according to our needs.

According to research published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics , there are certain foods, such as some of animal origin, that could cause arterial blockage. On the contrary, foods such as vegetables would be beneficial.

So what foods clog your arteries? To take care of your health, even if you still have a disease, it is important to know what are those foods that can be harmful. In the following space we detail them.


food meats

Meats are a staple food that provides significant amounts of protein, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. However, in excess, especially if they are red, can lead to higher levels of bad cholesterol. 

On the other hand, as research shows, processed meat products such as sausages or cold cuts, bacon or mortadella not only have a high dose of saturated fat, but also have added salt.

  • Consuming these products more than 2 times a week contributes to the development of heart disease.

Poultry skin

chicken wings

Research published in Food and Nutrition Research supports the consumption of poultry as a way to improve the quality of the diet. However, of these, the lean parts should be consumed, such as the breast.

Those who are used to consuming chicken or turkey skin, especially fried, are exposed to a greater risk of atherosclerosis. Although there is no evidence that proves this fact as such, there are studies that link fried foods and foods rich in fat with cardiovascular difficulties.

Trans fat

Trans fat

Many of the foods we eat every day contain trans fats or partially hydrogenated fatty acids. They are one of the main culprits for clogged arteries and cardiovascular disease, as supported by a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences .

  • We find them mostly in processed foods, margarine, baked goods, and glazes.

When shopping, we recommend that you take a look at the label to find out what hydrogenated oils were used for that particular product.

Oils and salty snacks


Most of the oils used in cooking (corn, sunflower, etc.) are rich in saturated fat. Therefore, they do not benefit cardiovascular health.

On the other hand, the typical snacks that we eat as an aperitif (chips, peanuts, etc.) are prepared with oils of this type. For cooking, we recommend using oils that contain unsaturated fats, such as olive or rapeseed.

Junk food

In this section we can mention pizzas and hamburgers, but there are many other examples. Research published in Health Promotion Perspectives highlights that, in addition to increasing cardiovascular risks, they also cause obesity.

These foods are high in fat and cholesterol. In addition, in many cases they contain chemical and artificial ingredients to make them look more appetizing and increase their commercial performance.

Foods that clog the arteries also harm the rest of the body

The foods that clog the arteries are the same foods that are associated with other metabolic problems, such as obesity and diabetes. It is important to moderate your consumption always and in the day to day choose to eat fresh and healthy food.

If you have doubts about it, consult your nutritionist. The professional will be able to tell you how you can develop a good eating plan for you, based on your needs and goals.

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