Emotional Communication: Keys To Knowing How To Connect And Express Better

Have you ever felt so angry that you couldn’t tell someone what you were thinking without losing your temper? Is it difficult for you to get your partner or your children to understand clearly what you want to explain to them? Emotional communication is a pending issue for many of us.

We know that communication is that mechanism that allows us to transmit a message between two people. In essence, nothing seems that easy. However, a large part of the population still does not master this process.

There are those who listen only to respond. There are those who argue over almost anything, those who use aggressive language, and those who are unable to understand non-verbal communication. It is not just about sending a phrase from a sender to a receiver.

People are emotional beings who reason and everything we do and think has a clear emotional component. Knowing how to master, understand and even enjoy this type of communicative act will improve relationships. Furthermore, we will perceive ourselves to be more competent and our self-esteem will increase.

Girl making use of emotional communication.

Emotional communication: how can it help us?

Emotional communication is not just that competition that makes our relationships easier. It is also a tool that advertising companies use. Thus, scientific studies, such as those carried out by Dr. Blair Kidwell of the University of Ohio, remind us that any campaign that is capable of moving the consumer creates greater impact and improves sales.

Communicating emotionally appropriately leaves an imprint on the brain. In this way, those who master emotional intelligence and know how to control what they feel to express what they think properly will perceive notable benefits:

  • We will avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Furthermore, emotional communication will allow us to assertively disagree without losing our nerve to reach agreements.
  • We will establish a better closeness with our interlocutors. The ability to communicate through emotions to create more lasting bonds of trust.
  • It will help us express what we feel clearly and assertively.
  • We will be able to empathize much more with those in front of us and decipher their non-verbal language.
  • Talking about our emotions legitimizes our actions. That is, it will allow us to explain why we have done certain things.
  • We will feel better. Sometimes emotions like anger or frustration get stranded when we don’t express what we feel appropriately. Emotional communication is the bridge to achieve this.

How to develop my ability for emotional communication?

The first step to improve our skills in emotional communication is to understand that emotions and thoughts appear simultaneously. This is what the psychologist Richard S. Lazarus points out. When we feel angry, for example, it is common for the flow of thoughts to go faster and in a disorderly way.

Also, those ideas are often filtered by discomfort. Therefore, sometimes it is not enough to prepare ourselves for what to say in the face of a difficult conversation. The first thing you should do is regulate what you feel and only then will you explain yourself assertively.

Consciousness and emotional regulation

You won’t be able to deliver a speech or lecture effectively if you feel high and paralyzing anxiety. You will also not be able to solve something with your partner if you are trapped by contradiction, anger or anguish.

The first thing is to reel off each emotion felt one by one : give it presence, understand it and channel it. Each emotion serves a purpose that we must understand. Only when you have regulated each feeling and sensation will you be able to explain yourself clearly and confidently.

Empathy: I understand your reality and respect it

Empathy is being able to put yourself in the shoes of others and then return to ours after knowing the reality of the other. It is important not to get infected by the emotions of others. It is only about knowing how to read, intuit and understand what the person in front of me feels to act accordingly.

Empathy requires watching and listening. Sometimes gestures reveal realities that words don’t say. And sometimes the tone of voice says much more than a message. Attend, feel, read between the lines and respond by tuning in with respect to the emotional state of the other.

The language of trust

Emotional communication has an anchor that binds it, that facilitates it and that makes the good exchange of information possible. We talk about trust. To establish it with our interlocutor, we can use the following keys:

  • Use the empathetic smile. Avoid being forced. It is about drawing a smile on the face that gives off accessibility and positivity.
  • He nods his head. In this way you communicate to the other that you understand them and that you listen to what they tell you.
  • The look that welcomes. Emotional communication is not possible without that look in the eyes of the person in front of you.
Couple making use of emotional communication.

Assertiveness: effective and respectful communication

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate in an affective, safe and respectful way. Thanks to her, the dialogues are more harmonious, we manage to reach agreements and solve problems. These are its pillars:

  • Put negative thoughts aside.
  • Trust what you feel and what you want to say. Your truth, your needs and ideas must be heard.
  • Listen to what the other person tells you and listen actively with respect. Don’t let emotions hijack you.
  • Allow a few seconds before responding.
  • Be concrete. Short messages are more direct and are much better understood.
  • Focus on the facts, not the judgments.
  • It transmits calm and positivity.

We can all develop our emotional communication much more. It only takes will and commitment for change. Get to it.

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