Do You Have Vaginal Yeast Infection? Discover 5 Remedies To Combat It

It is an alteration in the body that should not be neglected. To treat vaginal yeast infection and fight it effectively and at home, there are five remedies.

What is vaginal yeast infection?

Vaginal yeast infection is caused by a diploid fungus called Candida albicans , which is itchy, stinging, and odorless. It also causes burning and itching in the vagina and lips, redness and inflammation of the skin. The pain is present, especially at the time of urination.

Painful intercourse is another symptom of vaginal yeast infection. The disease appears when the fungus, which is part of the microbial flora or microbiota of the body, proliferates excessively.

The Candida albicans occurs, at the least, 79 immunosuppressants. They are substances that  neutralize the body’s natural defenses  and cause serious diseases to cancer.

Less sugar and more grooming

Diets rich in sugars and carbohydrates and low in pre and probiotics also play a role in this imbalance. Alcohol consumption is another important cause; Inadequate personal hygiene or excessive humidity in private parts also have an influence.

This infection of the vagina is easily detectable. The most visible symptom is an abnormal discharge, abundant, thick, whitish or greenish, and strong odor.

Another cause of vaginal yeast infection is menstruation, which creates an imbalance of the vaginal flora. Also birth control pills and antibiotic treatments recommended by doctors to fight infections. These cause a drop in the defenses, a breeding ground for the outbreak of a yeast infection.

5% of the female population suffers from recurrent vaginal candidiasis. The infection can be fought with simple treatments, made at home, or prescribed by a specialist doctor.

Do you have vaginal yeast infection? Discover 5 remedies to combat it

For declared cases of vaginal yeast infection, there are some home remedies that have been proven effective:

1. Low sugar diet

A diet low in sugars, such as sucrose, glucose, maltose, and lactose is recommended. You should also reduce the consumption of brewer’s yeast, alcohol or refined carbohydrates such as bread.

Foods such as garlic, onions, all kinds of cabbage, and olive oil should be consumed. It is advisable to drink cranberry juice, rosemary, fennel and gentian infusions.

Mold-aged, flowered rind, or blue cheeses are not recommended. It is best to eat foods rich in probiotics, such as plain yogurt without preservatives, flavorings or colorings. These active ingredients replenish the intestinal flora and help to strengthen the immune system to fight infection.

2. Drugs

  • Zinc oxide ointment is recommended to treat inflammation on the outside.
  • The Lactobacillus rhamnosus ovules that are applied later will repopulate the vagina with a protective flora.

The excessive use of gels alters the pH, is aggressive for the intimate area and favors the proliferation of the fungus. It is recommended to use natural and soft bath gels ; You have to clean the vagina only with water and bicarbonate, since it favors the pH to restore the microbiota.

3. Organic tea tree oil

Organic tea tree oil is one of the main natural fungicides. It can be found in cream, drops, etc. To use it as drops, apply 10 to a tampon, pad or sanitary napkin and place it in the vagina for four hours.

4. Essential oil of oregano

Under the same procedure you can use the essential oil of oregano in drops. But there are other ways: nine drops can be taken in one capsule after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

5. Douching with apple cider vinegar

Vaginal douches with apple cider vinegar are alkalizing and restore the pH of parts of the body with excess acidity.

  • To prepare them, a cup of water (250 ml) is mixed with three tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar (45 ml).
  • They stir well and are applied as a vaginal douche.

Improve your intimate hygiene

To achieve better hygiene it is advisable to wear comfortable underwear and preferably pure cotton. In this way we will avoid moisture in the vaginal area. Also, the habit of washing after having sex is essential to combat vaginal yeast infection.

Less stress, essential

Stress is one of the causes of these mycoses. There are different actions that can be carried out, such as attending yoga therapies, relaxation sessions and meditation.

These five remedies to combat vaginal yeast infection will prevent the disease from bringing worse consequences. The ability to act immediately is recommended to prevent even the appearance of cancer.

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