Discover The Surprising And Healthy Properties Of Wormwood

Wormwood is a very suitable plant to relieve digestive disorders as well as to regulate menstrual imbalances in women. We should always take it under the advice of a specialist

Wormwood is a bitter-tasting medicinal plant that stands out for its digestive, anti-inflammatory and toning properties, among many others. It is important to know it since, despite its taste, it can be very beneficial for our health. Discover in this article all the properties of absinthe.

What is absinthe?

Wormwood, whose scientific name is Artemisia absinthium , is a medicinal plant also known as asensio, bitter artemisia or holy grass. It is native to temperate climate zones in Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

In some countries, this plant is known because it is used to make absinthe, a highly alcoholic drink that emerged in Switzerland but became popular among French artists at the end of the 19th century. This plant belongs to the daisy family and has recognized medicinal virtues since ancient times.

Some cases of deadly nightshade poisoning were cured with wormwood infusion, which caused vomiting and therefore elimination of the poison.

Properties of wormwood for health


properties of absinthe

The bitter principles of wormwood help stimulate the production of the hormone gastrin, which favors the digestion of food and other digestive processes. In particular, this plant fulfills two main functions:

  • First of all, it relieves and improves numerous discomforts and disorders, such as pain, flatulence, diarrhea or vomiting. It is not recommended in cases of heartburn or hiatal hernia.
  • Second, it is a digestive tonic, that is, it stimulates the appetite and promotes the secretion of gastric juices. This virtue is highly recommended to people who are inappetent, devitalized and with a tendency to slow digestion. It is highly recommended also after a period of convalescence.


    When liver function is weakened, we can notice, for example, great difficulty digesting fat, fatigue, vision problems or hair loss.

    • Wormwood decongests the liver and stimulates its function, as well as that of the gallbladder.
    • In general, medicinal plants with a bitter taste, such as boldo or artichoke, are stimulators of liver function. Thus, it can be useful in case of jaundice or inflammation of the gallbladder.

    Intestinal parasites

    Parasitic infections must be treated by a professional due to the risks they carry. However, in mild cases, treatment can be supported with infusion of wormwood. This plant has been shown to have antiparasitic effects thanks to the chemical compounds in its stems and leaves.

    Menstrual disorders

    Wormwood is excellent for women who suffer from irregular cycles and other disorders related to menstruation. This plant has the virtue of helping to regulate cycles, as well as causing menstruation in cases of amenorrhea due to its emmenagogue properties.


    Topical application of wormwood infusion can soothe tummy, joint or toothache pain. Its components produce a relaxing effect by promoting blood circulation and reducing muscle tension.

    How do we take it?

    The simplest, cheapest and most effective way to take absinthe is through infusions and for short periods of time:

    • If it is a specific disorder we can take two infusions throughout the day.
    • If it is a chronic disorder or we want to do a purification, we recommend taking two daily infusions for one week, resting another and repeating the seven-day intake.

    In this way we can promote liver function and combat intestinal parasites.

    • At the topical level, we can apply a towel moistened with wormwood infusion over the entire abdominal area to soothe digestive discomfort or local pain. This is also a good option for children.

    As with all bitter herbal teas, absinthe should not boil. We will only let it infuse in the boiled water.


    • Medicinal plants can also be harmful if taken in excess or without knowledge, so we always recommend the advice of a doctor or naturopath.
    • The consumption of wormwood is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with internal ulcers. 
    • We should not abuse absinthe, but we will take the doses indicated in the previous section. Wormwood poisoning can cause: vomiting, tremors, seizures, among other reactions.

    Did you know the properties of absinthe? As you can see, it has many virtues, but also disadvantages. Therefore, it is important that you take it with caution, preferably under the supervision of a professional.

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