Dehydration, Effects Of Lack Of Water In The Body

Dehydration is a serious, life-threatening health problem if not treated in time. For example, in nursing babies, diarrhea with dehydration can be fatal, according to studies.

Dehydration is commonly believed to occur from drinking too little water. However, that is only part of the problem.

In reality,  dehydration is a negative balance, where the amount of water that is eliminated from the body is greater than the amount that is consumed.

Water loss and consumption

The amount of water in the human body can vary from 50 to 75% depending on the stage of life and other factors, according to studies.

Regarding the composition, in babies and children up to 78% of the body is water. In adults this percentage varies between 50 and 65%, while in the elderly or elderly it may be less than 50%.

If the body doesn’t keep those water levels stable, it may  not function properly.

The recommendation is to consume at least 2.5 liters of drinks per day (approximately 10 glasses). But, in pregnancy, lactation and in older people, the recommended minimum should be 3 liters per day (12 glasses).

Also read 8 foods that help hydration

Functions of water in the body

To understand the consequences of lack of water, it is essential to know the functions and importance of water for the human body.

  • It is vital to the structure and function of every cell.
  • Regulates the internal temperature of the body through perspiration and respiration.
  • Carbohydrates and proteins are metabolized and transported by water in the blood
  • Helps eliminate waste mainly through urine
  • Acts as a shock absorber for the brain, spinal cord, and fetus within the womb
  • Form saliva
  • Lubricates the joints

Effects of dehydration on the body

Here are some of the problems caused by dehydration.


The lack of water in the body affects metabolism, that is, the metabolic reactions that allow it to function.

Among those functions is energy production. When our body becomes dehydrated, energy production is reduced and fatigue appears, according to studies.

Fatigue makes us feel low on energy and tired most of the time.

Read more 5 medicinal plants against chronic fatigue

Premature aging

Premature aging

Drinking enough water every day helps the body fight free radicals and prevent premature aging of organs, such as the skin.

Excess weight and obesity

Although water alone cannot burn fat, it plays a very important role in weight loss diets.

The consumption of water stimulates the elimination of toxins and waste, provides a feeling of satiety and is key to maintaining the rhythm of metabolism.

Blood circulation and blood pressure

Dehydration and blood circulation

The  circulatory system needs water to function properly. In fact, blood is mostly made up of water.

Severe dehydration can cause an imbalance between basic electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, the deficiency of which can cause cardiovascular disorders.

The deficiency in circulation would not only affect the transport of nutrients and oxygen, but it would also affect the ability of the blood to transport waste out of the body.

Digestive disorders

Digestion and dehydration

The lack of water in the body reduces the secretion of digestive juices and this can cause serious stomach problems, such as gastritis and ulcers. In addition, when there is dehydration, the body does not contain enough fluid to eliminate waste and constipation problems appear, especially in people with advanced age, according to research. 

Respiratory problems

The mucous membranes that internally line the respiratory system are slightly moist  and thus trap and protect against air pollutants that can cause respiratory problems.

Dehydration could influence the development of respiratory diseases.

Urinary infections

Kidney functions and the entire urinary system are believed to be related to the amount of water ingested per day.

In fact, one of the symptoms of dehydration is the color of the urine. The darker the urine, the greater the lack of water.

A dehydrated person eliminates more concentrated urine, that is, with less water. Therefore, its color is darker.

Dehydration can help the development of  urinary infections such as cystitis.

Brain damage

Moderate dehydration causes difficulty in discrimination and memory loss. More severe dehydration causes alterations of the central nervous system and includes symptoms such as altered mental status, weakness, neuromuscular excitability, neurological deficit. There is no scientific evidence to support it currently.

Remember that there is not always an early indicator of the body’s need for water. Many people do not feel thirsty until they are dehydrated. Therefore, it is important to increase your water intake when it is hot or sick and, of course, when doing physical activity or being in the sun.

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