Daflon: Uses And Side Effects

Daflon is the trademark of a drug composed, among other substances, of two active principles: diosmin and hesperidin . Diosmin is the most relevant and important substance when it comes to generating health effects.

This is a venotonic medicine, that is, it increases the tone of the veins and the resistance of the capillaries, which are the small blood vessels in the body.

Due to its effects, it is indicated for the treatment of problems such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids of venous origin. It also relieves symptoms related to mild venous insufficiency of the extremities.

Daflon Characteristics


Chemically, it is a drug that belongs to the flavonoid family, due to its molecular structure. It comes from the secondary metabolism of different plants that synthesize it.

As we have mentioned, it has venotonic or phlebotonic effects, which are characterized by stimulating venous tone, although it also exerts its effect on small blood vessels. In this way, it also improves blood circulation in general, in addition to preventing wear, stiffness and fragility.

For Daflon to take effect, it is essential to accompany its administration with a series of habits that improve the result. It is important to adopt a healthy diet and exercise, otherwise the drug alone will not do any effect.

How does the drug exert its effect on the body?

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Daflon is the set of two active principles: diosmin and hesperdin, the first being the main responsible for the effect.

Diosmin has the following effects on the body:

  • Improves venous return.
  • Protects capillaries.
  • Reduces permeability.
  • Increases lymphatic drainage.

As for the other active principle, hesperidin, in addition to enhancing the effects described, also helps to neutralize free radicals. That is why it is said to have an antioxidant effect.

Daflon uses

Exercises for varicose veins

Due to the effects it produces in the body, this drug is indicated to improve the symptoms of different conditions of the blood vessels. Let’s see the main indications:

1. Chronic venous insufficiency

This disease is characterized by a difficulty for the blood of the lower extremities to return to the heart. It usually appears because the veins in the legs are weak, which usually ends up causing the development of varicose veins.

2. Varicose veins

Well those caused by chronic venous insufficiency, as well as those resulting from other causes, varicose veins are the product of the dilation of the veins. In this way, they become visible when blood accumulates in them.

The reason for this is that the valves in the veins responsible for pushing blood back to the heart are weakened and cannot close properly.

3. Edema

It is another of the Daflon indications. Fluid retention is a very common condition in women. Due to the venotonic effects of this medicine, the blood circulation becomes stronger and toned.

As a result, extravasation of fluids is difficult, especially those of cardiovascular origin.

4. Hemorrhoids

You could say that they are like varicose veins that have their origin in the veins that supply the anus. They do not usually cause symptoms, but in the case in which they do occur, they usually cause pain when sitting and itching. Daflon is also useful in these cases.

What are the adverse reactions to Daflon?

headaches and hormones

This medicine, like all those on the market, is not exempt from causing adverse reactions. Among the most frequent we can mention:

  • Problems in the intestinal tract : nausea, stomach pains, colitis.
  • Rashes.
  • Quincke’s edema.
  • Headaches and dizziness.

Don’t resort to self-medication

This medicine, made up of two active principles and other excipients, is widely used to treat different pathologies associated with the venous circulation system, such as hemorrhoids and edema.

It is a drug that does not need a prescription and is not funded. However, that does not mean that we can self-medicate. You should always consult the pharmacist for the recommendations for use of this medication and any questions you may have about it.

Misuse of medications can have serious consequences  for both your health and the rest of the population, since there are certain medications that lose their effectiveness because they are administered when they are not indicated.

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