Constipation: When Can It Start To Be Dangerous?

Constipation is a very common ailment that we must treat and also prevent. It is unhealthy and can become harmful in the long term if it becomes chronic. Now, when can it start to get dangerous? We will tell you about it below.

Basically, the danger of constipation is that it can cause other ailments that, without a doubt, will further aggravate the problem.

A common problem that requires attention

Although the evacuation process is different from person to person and we do not all digest food in the same way. The regular parameters indicate that  the normal thing is to go to the bathroom once a day and to do it normally, without pain or effort. However, this is not always the case for everyone.

There are those who, for various reasons, require regular pharmacological help to be able to go to the bathroom. In addition, it seems that women are more prone to constipation, although the causes of this are still not entirely clear.

According to an article published in the journal Clinics in Geriatric Medicine broadly, the main factors that lead to constipation are:

  • The sedentary lifestyle.
  • Insufficient fluid intake.
  • The lack of fiber in the diet and, in general, an inadequate diet.

How to detect constipation?


The first sign that can indicate a picture of constipation is having three — or even fewer — bowel movements a week. There are times when these stools are liquid or very very solid. The latter usually require great efforts, at least for 10 or 15 minutes.

On the other hand, those who suffer from it feel bloated, heavy, gassy and have a very bulging abdomen. Sometimes there is also a headache. If this state lasts for 3 months, we would speak of chronic constipation.

The fact of not being able to expel to the outside all that matter that the body does not need can translate into the appearance of some disease. In addition, continuous efforts at the time of bowel movements can damage the intestine and increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

When can constipation be dangerous?

Having constipation once a month or every two months can be normal. However, if it becomes chronic, you should be aware of the symptoms, which can start to be worrisome.

In these cases, it is vital to bring the situation to the attention of the doctor:

  • When you feel very strong intestinal colic  and you suffer a lot to go to the bathroom; there may even be vomiting at times.
  • When they spend almost 7 days without going to the bathroom, without the drugs working.
  • In case there is blood in the stool.
  • If you spend times in which you suffer constipation alternated with diarrhea.
  • When the stool is very thin, tell the doctor; this is not healthy either. The same if you notice any abnormality in the anus or any trace of blood.
  • If you lose weight inexplicably. This is a direct sign that something is happening in the body and that nutrients and health are being lost.

In short, constipation is not healthy and, without a doubt, we must prevent it by practicing good lifestyle habits. 

Simple guidelines to prevent constipation

Aloe vera

1. Move a little more. How about you go for a walk every day for half an hour? Movement stimulates intestinal transit and activates the body. It costs nothing and can do a lot for your well-being. We propose the following exercise:

2. Morning juice of aloe vera with lemon or kiwi. To prepare it, mix warm water with a tablespoon of aloe vera, let it dissolve well and add the juice of half a lemon. You can alternate it by mixing it with the smoothie of two kiwis. This fruit is one of the best when it comes to preventing and treating constipation due to its fiber content according to scientific literature.

3. A bowl of papaya, walnuts, and Greek yogurt. This recipe can be used for breakfast or a snack. With it you will get fiber, vitamins and bacteria that are beneficial for the health of your intestine. The regular intake of fiber is one of the best methods to combat constipation according to an article published in the journal BMJ Clinical Evidence.

4. Oatmeal with plums. It is another great option for your breakfasts.

5. Brown rice. It is perfect for meals. Whole grain and whole grain rice, as well as black or red rice, is an excellent cleanser, rich in fiber and antioxidants.

6. Plenty of fluids. Consume water and natural juices; They are perfect for hydrating throughout the day, as they promote bowel movement and purification. It is advisable to drink at least two liters a day.

7 . Yes to fruits and vegetables. You can prepare very attractive options of salads and even natural juices that combine vegetable and fruit.

Prevention is essential

As you can see, constipation can be corrected and avoided with a good daily diet, adequate hydration and an exercise routine.

Remember that if the doctor has not indicated a treatment for constipation, it is not advisable to resort to medications. Both to alleviate it and to prevent it, the ideal is to improve eating habits and lifestyle in general so that, little by little, the body regulates itself.

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