Can Diabetes Be Treated Naturally?

Although there are some remedies and activities that help control diabetes, any changes should be discussed with the specialist.

Can diabetes be treated naturally? This is a question that many people ask themselves due to their interest in taking care of themselves from an approach especially oriented towards what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body loses or reduces its ability to regulate glucose levels in the blood. According to data published by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is one of the disorders whose prevalence has increased alarmingly in recent years.

This same entity estimates that in 2030 it will become the seventh leading cause of death in the world. In addition, today it is linked to the appearance of other serious pathologies.

Therefore, its timely detection is key to adopt measures for its control. While there is no definitive cure, there is a treatment. In addition, good habits help patients not lose quality of life.

How many types of diabetes are there?

The chronic manifestations of diabetes are distinguished into two types :

  • Type 1 diabetes. It occurs because the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin stop working. Those who suffer from it must use daily insulin injections.
  • Type 2 diabetes. It is the most common form. It occurs because the body becomes resistant to insulin or does not use it properly.

Read: How does diabetes impact mental health?

What are the symptoms of diabetes?


Diabetes is difficult to detect in its early stages due to the lack of symptoms. As it progresses, various body systems are undergoing alterations, which triggers a series of discomforts:

  • Blurry vision.
  • Weightloss.
  • Feeling of fatigue
  • Foot problems
  • Changes in urine
  • Urinary infections.
  • Excessive thirst and dry mouth.
  • Wounds that take time to heal.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.

Can diabetes be treated? How to control the disease?

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will suggest some medications that facilitate its control. Additionally, it will give indications regarding lifestyle habits to help the patient take better care of themselves on a day-to-day basis.

And would it be possible to treat it naturally? In the strict sense, no. It is not possible to treat diabetes exclusively naturally. However, this does not mean that the contribution that a natural element can provide has been discarded.

There are several studies on natural elements – such as cinnamon – that have been taken into consideration on numerous occasions, as it seems that they could be useful as an auxiliary treatment or as a supplement to the diet in some cases.

As science progresses, it is best to follow the treatment indicated by the doctor and lead healthy lifestyle habits. Here we will review some of the most beneficial.

Exercising helps a lot

Running woman

According to the results of a study published by the Cuban Journal of Endocrinology , physical activity is an excellent ally for controlling high blood sugar levels. Its effects benefit the proper functioning of the metabolism, improving the use of glucose.

Ideally, dedicate at least 20 to 30 minutes a day; combining aerobic and strength exercises.

Improving nutrition is essential

Part of the routine that supports good diabetes treatment is to improve eating habits. In this regard, it is essential to exclude refined sugars ; as they can cause complications.

Also, nutrition experts advise eating more fruits, fresh vegetables, and foods that contain fiber.

Quitting smoking helps you gain health

Smokers diagnosed with diabetes should consider quitting as soon as possible. The toxins contained in cigarettes are capable of influencing the problems derived from this disease.

Consuming omega 3 fatty acids is very convenient

Over the years it has been thought that both foods and omega-3 supplements can help increase insulin sensitivity in diabetes. In this sense, its consumption was recommended at least 2 times a week.

However, research carried out in recent years (as indicated by the World Health Organization) has shown that at the moment there is not enough evidence to prove this claim. In this way, consult your doctor about the latest news regarding its effectiveness.

omega3 deficiency

Drink cranberry juice

Blueberries are not a miracle cure for diabetes. Despite this, they are considered an excellent complement to control and avoid problems related to the disease.

As detailed in an article published in 2017 by the Functional Food Magazine , its high concentration of antioxidant compounds protects capillaries and helps prevent complications related to type II diabetes and obesity problems. For this reason, it is recommended to include it in the diet regularly.

Consume green tea

Patients who drink green tea enjoy several benefits. First, its nutrients would help regulate blood glucose levels ; improving the ability to use insulin.

On the other hand, a study by experts from the Cancer Research Center suggests that it is a boost for metabolism. In this sense, its moderate consumption is key in the prevention of overweight, the reduction of oxidative stress and the control of certain cardiovascular problems that appear along with this condition.

Taking ginseng, an effective remedy to control and treat diabetes?

The ginseng extract concentrates active principles that would be beneficial for patients. 

According to beliefs of oriental Chinese medicine, its consumption would help keep glucose at stable levels. In this sense, consulting with your doctor is the best option to take it both in infusion and in tablets.

Considering that diabetes is a disease that is capable of causing damage to other organs, it is essential to follow medical treatment and maintain good lifestyle habits. Although sometimes easily controlled, certain cases require more attention.

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