Can Amnesia Be Prevented?

Exercising the mind is one of the most effective ways to prevent amnesia. Do math math from memory, remember directions and try to interact with those around you

When the mind is unable to access memories (partially or totally), we speak of amnesia. This problem, which usually affects older people, becomes disabling when aspects of daily life cannot be remembered. Now, can amnesia be prevented?

What is there to know about amnesia?

Our memory is essential to define ourselves, but also to be able to carry out different activities. Thanks to it we remember our loved ones, where we live, how to get to a place or what we have to buy.

We have all suffered from what are popularly known as “blackouts” at some time. They are small periods in which we cannot remember a name, a date, a number or what we did yesterday. However, after a short time the memory is restored and everything returns to normal.

In the case of people with amnesia, forgetfulness is not only more frequent, but also persists for hours, days or even weeks.

The processes of memory

Three processes are involved in memory. They are as follows:

  • The creation of memory (new names and situations are learned).
  • Storage (the “memory footprint is created).
  • Recovery (memory is accessed).

If there is an alteration in any of them, the result is an inability to remember something or someone. This can affect events in the past (retrograde amnesia) or the ability to form new memories (anterograde amnesia). Both can even be presented at the same time.

There are many reasons for amnesia or memory impairment. For example, drug or alcohol use, a head injury, a physical brain malformation, or an emotional disorder.

  • The main symptoms are centered on the lack of access to a memory. We can forget names, dates, data or specific events.
  • The condition can be minor or major, and even to the impossibility of not remembering anything from past times.

This can lead to a deterioration in personal and work relationships, “antisocial” behavior, or even changes in mood or irritability. In some cases the patient cannot remember things from the past, but can remember the present or vice versa.

How to treat and prevent amnesia

Man with amnesia

It is necessary to know that some types of amnesia cannot be cured (those that contemplate alterations in the brain). And, on other occasions, memory loss disappears in less than 24 hours. Depending on the specific case, more or less medical supervision will be required.

Many patients use “occupational therapy”, where they are taught to develop different strategies that compensate for memory loss and can enjoy a normal life. For example, through alarms, notes or habits, important events or people can be remembered.

But amnesia can be prevented, or at least delayed, with our everyday habits. Brain health, like other muscles, depends a lot on how much and how you work. Therefore, it is recommended to keep mental health in good condition. How?

1. Keep busy

Among other activities,  to keep the mind occupied we can do the following :

  • Perform tasks that involve being in contact with many people
  • Go out on the street
  • Do simple math accounts
  • Remember directions
  • Fulfill obligations

2. Sleep

Sleeping woman

Rest is essential for the brain (like other muscles) to recover and thus prevent amnesia. Sleeping 8 hours in a row every night allows you to archive the memories of that day and protect those of the past.

3. Avoid stress

Those situations that alter our tranquility affect the general functioning of the brain, especially with regard to memory. Therefore, when we are under a lot of stress we cannot remember certain data or it is difficult for us to concentrate.

4. Eat healthy

Plate of salad

Diet is essential for each part of the body to function properly. If we consume fats, sugars and fried foods, the arteries become clogged and not enough oxygen and blood reach the brain.

  • On the other hand, fruits, vegetables and legumes improve blood flow to this area.
  • It is recommended to consume almonds and walnuts, as they have many vitamins and minerals (especially potassium and phosphorus), which are essential for the health of the nervous system.
  • Feel free to eat an apple a day to avoid mental fatigue.
  • Also add grapes, dates, and oranges to your diet.

5. Exercise

Something as basic as walking for 20 minutes every day can dramatically improve brain function. If we do moderate physical activity 3 times a week we will offer more oxygen to the body in general and to the brain in particular.

6. Consume home remedies

Rosemary infusion

There are herbs that improve brain function and help prevent amnesia. This is the case of rosemary, which since ancient times was known as “memory” by the Greeks and Romans (they inhaled its vapors so that memory would not fail them). Drink rosemary tea daily and you will increase mental alertness.

Another interesting plant is sage, which acts on the cortex of the brain, mitigates mental fatigue and strengthens concentration. You can also consume sage tea every day (for example, at night, before sleeping).

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