Almond Milk: A Healthy Alternative To Cow’s Milk

Have you heard of almond milk? This drink is composed of the mixture of finely ground almonds with water. It is low in calories, fat, carbohydrates and, in addition, it is gluten free.

Due to problems such as lactose intolerance and allergies derived from the consumption of cow’s milk, there has been an increase in the demand for alternative plant-based milks around the world. An example is almond milk.

Compared to other plant milks, almond milk is naturally a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin E, which cannot be synthesized by the body and needs to be supplied through diet or supplements.

However, although this alternative is associated as a substitute for cow’s milk, it cannot be true, since it is a non-dairy alternative.

Almond milk benefits

Almond milk is ideal for all those who are not lactose tolerant, since it does not contain it. For people allergic to gluten it can also be a good option. This recommendation is due to the fact that it does not contain casein, a milk protein that is chemically similar to gluten.

Almond milk may also help lower your risk of osteoporosis. This is due to its great contribution of vitamin D, which helps in the cellular construction of the body. However, due to the nutrient quality and bioavailability in non-dairy milks, more studies are needed in this regard.

This drink could also be a support when it comes to reducing cholesterol, since the addition of almonds in the daily diet has a beneficial impact on the lipid profile. In several studies, almonds have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, which is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

 Nutritional value of almond milk

Almond milk does not contain saturated fat or cholesterol, but it does contain omega-3 fatty acids, so it might be a better option for your heart.

  • This milk contains about three grams of fat per eight-ounce serving. Its fat content is equivalent to that of rice milk.
  • It is very low in calories (contains only 40 per serving).
  • It does not have many carbohydrates (only 2 grams per serving). So it is very good for people looking to lose weight or as part of an exercise program.
  • Almonds are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Almonds contain vitamin E, manganese, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, fiber, phosphorus, and calcium.

    Peeled almonds


    Almond milk should not be consumed as an alternative to other milk of animal origin such as cow’s milk, as it does not contain all the nutrients that our body needs. In the case of being lactose intolerant, the consumption of a fortified drink should be consulted with a nutritionist.

    Although this vegetable milk is nutritious and provides interesting benefits, it should not be overlooked that in some cases it is contraindicated. Specifically, the supply of this milk should be avoided to:

    • Young children and infants: As studies from the American College of Nutrition point out, giving this food to infants raises the risk of thyroid autoimmune disease.
    • People at risk of thyroid disease.
    • People with intolerance to nuts.
    • Almond milk, especially varieties sweetened with sucrose, may cause cavities.

    This type of milk is a bit difficult to find in the supermarket, but the good news is that you can make it yourself at home. Find out here how to prepare it.

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