A Tablespoon Of Olive Oil And Lemon To Combat Abdominal Fat

A tablespoon of olive oil and lemon can be useful when it comes to fighting abdominal fat. Of course, always within an adequate strategy, since by itself it is not capable of working miracles. Now why was this particular blend chosen? As you can guess, the answer to this question lies in the nutritional value of both foods.

If you have not yet tried the method of the spoonful of olive oil and lemon in your breakfast,  we encourage you to start tomorrow. Take note of everything it can do for you!

The benefits of taking a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon

Extra virgin olive oil.

In a study published in 2004, they tell us that olive oil “differs from other vegetable oils in two essential characteristics that also make it more appreciated: it comes from a fruit and it is edible (it does not need to be refined) at the time of production when the raw material is of good quality ”. For this reason it is often called “the liquid gold of the Mediterranean.”

As a curiosity, we show you how to choose the best olive oil, it is very simple:

  • According to experts, the extra virgin is the authentic, the most natural and the one that gives us the most benefits. It is also the one with the most monounsaturated fats and polyphenols, which help fight cholesterol and take care of the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system, as well as the skin.
  • For its part, virgin olive oil (not extra) is of a lower quality, but it can also be beneficial for health compared to other oils, such as corn or sunflower.

When it comes to lemon, just choose one that is neither very ripe nor very green, and one that is very tight to the touch. The better the food, the better results can be obtained. This is why it is worth paying attention to the quality of the ingredients.

We now explain how this tablespoon of olive oil and lemon can help you if you dare to take it every morning, within a balanced diet. It will be much more beneficial than a weight loss powder!

Extra virgin olive oil helps us lose weight

It is possible to lose weight with papaya, within a healthy lifestyle.

Losing weight can be easy, but what we are interested in is doing it without putting health at risk. To do this, an appropriate strategy must be put into practice – according to the recommendations of the doctor and nutritionist – in order to avoid the rebound effect and regain those extra kilos.

In any weight loss diet it is advisable to include extra virgin olive oil. Now, we must clarify some important points :

  • We must take advantage of this mixture within a varied, balanced diet and an exercise routine in order to achieve positive results after a few weeks.
  • Olive oil does not “burn” fat. It makes it easier for us to lose weight because it improves processes as important as liver and digestive function.
  • Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that take care of the heart and also have a satiating effect.
  • The monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil improve the breakdown of fat stored in the abdomen  (it makes it less resistant so that we can eliminate it better) .
  • Olive oil is a good source of vitamin E, carotenoids, and polyphenolic compounds.
  • We must also bear in mind that it acts as a good laxative, so it is not advisable to overdo it when filling that tablespoon of olive oil and lemon a day (with 5 or 7 milliliters is enough), or we would run the risk of suffering from some diarrhea.

Lemon and its benefits for losing weight

Lemon juice contains three ingredients that are associated with a healthy weight: herpedin and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). People who include abundant vitamin C in their diet manage to deal with blood cholesterol, stored fats and those toxins that make us retain fluids.

  • Lemons are also a natural source of hesperidin, a type of flavonoid that helps us deal with the most stubborn fat deposits in the body, such as, for example, that stored in the abdomen.
  • Another interesting aspect is that lemons contain pectin, a type of soluble fiber that turns into a gel when mixed with water or a little olive oil. This combination enhances the purification of the intestine and liver, while promoting weight loss.

How to take my tablespoon of olive oil and lemon to lose weight?

A tablespoon of olive oil and lemon can help you lose weight.

As we have pointed out, for this remedy to be effective we must see it as a supplement to the diet and an appropriate exercise routine to achieve weight loss. That is, it will promote the loss of fat in the abdomen as long as we follow a healthy strategy. To do this, keep the following in mind:

  • Every morning take half a tablespoon (between 5 and 7 milliliters) of extra virgin olive oil with half a tablespoon (5 milliliters) of lemon juice.
  • Never exceed this dose or take more than one tablespoon a day.

If you notice that after a week your stools are somewhat soft and you suffer from diarrhea, discontinue the consumption of the olive oil and lemon mixture.

Remember that you do not need to consume this mixture forever to stay healthy and fit, with punctually integrating it into your diet, in salad dressings for example, you can enjoy it without getting bored.

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