Children Need Your Hugs To Feel Part Of The World

Children come to this world naked and in need of warmth, emotions and, above all, roots from which to grow. Hugs, believe it or not, build the good emotional and physical growth of the little ones.

It is possible that more than one person was surprised by the expression “hugs to feel part of the world . ” This idea actually embodies the basic need to bring security and recognition to the child.

A confident creature who feels recognized and valued through the affection of hugs, caresses, and positive words, gets the encouragement to break through the world with better self-esteem.

We invite you to reflect on it.

I need your hugs to find myself

One fact that we must take into account is the importance of physical contact in raising the child, and that is that, in orphanages, those babies who do not receive frequent caresses, hugs and words, do not develop in a healthy way.

A child who cries and is not cared for will stop attracting the attention of the adult because he understands that he will not be answered. A cry that goes unattended creates stress on the child’s brain.

A creature that is not offered positive reinforcement develops a weaker immune system. In addition, their brain structures will be marked by anxiety, and lack of protection.

Various investigations address this issue, such is the case of this study, which states that the construction of self-concept is formed throughout life and varies markedly with age, given its relationship with cognitive development and lived social experiences by the person.

So, it can be said that physical contact is a sensory stimulus that favors neural connection.

The more caresses, more hugs and more positive words we give our children, then, we will be helping to give way to the development of greater neural tissue, and brain structures that develop faster.

So don’t hesitate to offer as much physical contact as possible in those first years of your child’s life. The union that you establish with them goes beyond the skin, it is the magic of senses that build bridges so that the child, tomorrow, feels safer, happier.

The calming effect of hugs

Cuddling and hugging are meaningful therapeutic gestures. What happens in our brain with that union of the skin and the soul generates very interesting changes that we must take into account.

Hugs relax

When we are caressed or hugged with intensity, our brain secretes oxytocin. This hormone regulates states of sadness, has a calming effect on children and adults and increases our natural defenses.

It is not necessary for a child to cry for us to hug him and calm him down. Any time is good.

Hugs have more power if they come from significant people

Now, we all know that when children get older, this type of gesture bothers them a bit. They claim independence and see these displays of affection as something reserved for childhood.

  • Although they avoid them, inside they continue to appreciate them. We show them that we love them, that we value them as a person and recognize them as an important part of ourselves. From our family.
  • We must bear in mind that a hug has more power if it is offered to us by someone we love. A child will appreciate a hug from his teacher, but those from his mother and father offer greater calm and emotion.
  • One way that our children will integrate the good habit of giving hugs is that they see them every day at home. They should be something normal and everyday.

Hugs to deter fears

Living a bad day, having a nightmare, showing insecurity, fear, having doubts, being cold, feeling restless … Any of these dimensions can be alleviated and turned off with hugs.

  • A child’s emotional development often goes through many of these situations. Sometimes we do not realize that they have had a bad day at school, that jealousy for their siblings leads them to think wrong things.
  • Therefore, sometimes, the power of a hug is greater than a word. Feel free to hug them when they need it or when you see their smiles fade. You will instantly notice how his expression changes, and how those momentary shadows that we all have disappear.

Hugs unite us with the people we love and destroy fears and insecurities. Hugs give us roots and make us part of the world.

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