Emotional Void: The Gap That I Don’t Think Can Be Filled

This feeling may be a wake-up call to change. A sign that warns us that we have to continue with our personal development

The feeling of emotional emptiness is likely to be familiar to you. Sometimes we feel that nothing fills us, we lose our emotion and a feeling of discouragement seizes us.

Sometimes emotional emptiness has a lot to do with feeling lonely. As we are social beings, creatures destined to live in society, we need contact with others, be inspired by them and establish links.

Other times the feeling of emptiness is motivated by disagreement . We look to the future trying to cover everything and we do not value what we have in front of us at that moment. Everything around us seems boring and we lose interest. According to this study carried out by the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, one of the main causes of this happening in young people is the low tolerance to frustration.

However, we do nothing to change our situation, since behind us hides reluctance and lack of concern.

The endless search to fill the emotional void


The existential emptiness brings with it dissatisfaction, unhappiness, frustration and triviality. In the long term, it can often lead to loss of self-esteem or depression. Sometimes, we end up trying to fill that inner hollow that rumbles in our stomach with banal things, that’s why it always comes back.

On the other hand, sometimes we generate future expectations as a result of the way in which we have been educated. The beliefs of the search for prince charming have made us feel like a better half, a person who, to be complete, needs someone else.

With this belief we only feed emotional dependence, our terrible discomfort and an incessant search for that “other” that will never fill the gap that is making us suffer.

Emotional dependence, as stated in this research carried out by the University of Oviedo (Spain), affects “emotionally vulnerable people who manifest blindness towards the other, which could be explained by the conjunction of illusions and / or attributions, hedonism and false expectations ”.

We always look outside for what we think is missing in us. Something quite ironic, because depending on others to fill our voids causes us to need them to feel good and happy.

However, not everything is negative. This feeling may be a wake-up call for change. A sign that warns us that we have to continue with our personal development because we find ourselves hindered.

How to fill our emotional gap


Others are not always right

When you find yourself overwhelmed because you feel different, misunderstood, and alone, stop trying to fit in. Stop wanting your life to be the way others tell you it should be.

Sometimes, we must begin to question certain beliefs that we have for true since, in reality, there are many other ways of seeing things and living them. Trying to get everyone to live the same can be really exhausting and frustrating.

It is not necessary to have a partner and children to feel complete. This is a belief that seeks to make unhappy those who stray from the established path.

open the eyes

Love yourself, love yourself and pamper yourself

The fact of believing that we are a better half favors that we stop being in the first place to prioritize another person who will be the one who will make us feel complete.

This will only feed that gap that we try to fill with people, with words of affection, with expressions of affection and with a love that we do not give ourselves.

We are not aware that, if we want that emotional void to disappear, we must love, pamper ourselves and think of ourselves before getting involved in a relationship and begging for love. It will be then when we will no longer depend on anyone.

According to this study carried out by the Institute for Research in Education of Costa Rica, self-esteem is a fundamental key to be happy in our lives; something that should be fostered and cared for from a young age, also through the educational process.

Thus, if a relationship does not work, that gap that brings us so much suffering will not appear again because, now, we know that we do not need anyone to fill it. We just had to focus on ourselves.

Do not allow yourself to continue believing that everything you hear around you is the only truth. Learn to question everything, because many beliefs are feeding your emotional emptiness without you even being aware of it.

Learn every day

Take advantage of each day to learn something new and encourage your curiosity. Get to know yourself thoroughly so that you know how to detect your needs. To do this, take each day as a new opportunity to test yourself, to know your limits, to take risks that will undoubtedly make you feel that it has been worth taking them.

Life is an experience, make the most of it whenever you can.

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