How And When To Take Spirulina To Make It More Effective

Since spirulina can have some cleansing side effects, such as headaches or digestive disorders, it is important to start with low doses and go increasing them

Many people are encouraged to take spirulina as a nutritional supplement. In fact, it is already considered a superfood that allows us to increase our intake of vitamins and minerals in a simple and natural way.

Discover what properties it has for our health, as well as when and how we should take spirulina to make it more effective. Do not miss it

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that can be found in warm, alkaline, low-salinity waters. Its name originates from its curious spiral-shaped structure, despite the fact that its scientific name is  Arthrospira.

It is one of the most complete and nutritious foods, something that NASA already demonstrated in 1988 by incorporating spirulina into the astronauts’ diet.

But long before, the Aztecs already consumed it to increase their resistance when they had to make important efforts. It is also an excellent supplement for athletes.

Nutritional values

Dishes with spirulina

Thanks to its excellent and complete nutritional values, spirulina is very effective in treating all kinds of deficits, as well as in improving some disorders. We review its valuable composition:

  • It is one of the best vegetable sources of protein of high biological value and good digestibility. It has a percentage of 65 or 70% protein.
  • It is rich in chlorophyll, the green pigment that stands out for its great detoxifying power.
  • It is rich in vitamins of group B, C, D and E.
  • It contains minerals such as potassium, selenium, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus or zinc.
  • Contains digestive enzymes.
  • It stands out for its antioxidant virtues (thanks to its natural pigments): chlorophyll, caroteinoids and phycocyanins.
  • 7% of its content are essential fatty acids.

    Health properties

    Peeparado to take the spirulina

    Next, we list the healing properties and benefits that taking spirulina brings to our health.

    • It facilitates weight loss, which is why it is recommended in healthy weight loss diets. This is due to its satiating power since it activates the metabolism and, therefore, the burning of fats.
    • It reduces inflammation, improves joint pain and could prevent  osteoporosis.
    • Prevents and fights anemia without having to take iron supplements. It also improves the immune system.
    • It is believed that it could improve our energy and vitality levels while reducing fatigue and stress. However, there are still no conclusive studies in this regard.
    • Improves concentration and memory.
    • Its antioxidant virtues help us to prevent aging externally, but also cellularly, from the progressive damage caused by free radicals, the passage of time, stress, etc.

    How and when to take spirulina

    Spoon with spirulina powder

    The way and when to take spirulina depends on the objectives we want to achieve with its intake:

    • If we want to lose weight, we will take spirulina half an hour before each meal with a glass of water. In this way, the algae produces a natural satiating effect that helps us eat less without starving.
    • If we want to gain weight, we must take spirulina right after lunch, along with dessert.
    • As a specific treatment for a disorder, it is taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating any food.
    • As a nutritional supplement, it will be taken in green smoothies, made with fruits and green leafy vegetables.

    There are no academic studies that support these indications about the times of intake, so it is recommended to consult a specialist first.

    We recommend choosing a good quality spirulina, organic if possible, to avoid containing components that are harmful to health, since algae have a high absorbent power.

    Recommended dose

    Glass with spirulina drink

    We can take spirulina powder, mixed with water or with food, in capsules or tablets. The starting dose is 500 mg or 1 g, 1 to 3 times a day. However, it is advisable to first consult your intake with a specialist doctor.

    It is important to start with a low amount due to the high purifying power of this algae, which could cause some discomfort such as healing symptoms (headache, intestinal disorders, etc.). For this reason, it is also recommended to drink plenty of water during treatment, at least one and a half liters a day, separate from meals.

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