7 Benefits Of Reading A Few Minutes A Day

Although it is beneficial at any time of the day, reading before going to sleep allows us to disconnect from the worries of the day and promotes rest

Do you like to read but can’t always find enough time? Here are a number of reasons for this to become a daily practice in your life. For this we bring you its benefits. Once you know them, you will have hours to continue reading. You won’t want to do anything else!

And we already know that reading is a fun adventure. Reading is a very nutritious activity, not only intellectually, but also emotionally, because you feel calm, happy, informed, up to date; even more so if you do the reading of your own free will.

In that case, the simple act of reading becomes a sensation that transports you back to the story, to the story, to the news; and, depending on the details that the author expresses in his writings, you will live the moment firsthand.

Reading opens the way to your imagination, to the development of images in your mind, with which you create the scenes exposed in the texts without the need for an illustration in the book. For this reason, we will tell you how this beautiful activity can bring you benefits when developing it daily.

What is reading?

What is reading

This process can be determined as communicative, since a sender (author of the texts) transmits certain information, through writing, whether printed or digital, to a receiver (reader) who receives it, later decodes it and finally interprets it. .

This process is a cultural right that we all as human beings can exercise. Through this you can acquire new knowledge, which will allow you to be autonomous in your decisions and have a reinforced creativity and imagination.

Benefits of reading a few minutes a day

1. Reduce your stress

By reading you can reduce the onset of stress, which occurs during the day. When you read and get into the story, the information, you forget what is worrying you at the time. You transport yourself to a parallel world in which you disconnect from all the problems you have.

  • It is highly recommended to take your reading time before bed, since this way you forget about the pressures and situations that cause you stress throughout the day.
  • In this way, you get to sleep faster and you get hours of rest.

2. You acquire new knowledge

You acquire new knowledge

Through the information you read, you are acquiring new knowledge, which in a certain time you can use to solve any situation that may arise. You may even apply the knowledge you gain after each reading without realizing it.

3. You can expand your vocabulary

With reading you know new words, which perhaps you did not handle. Thus, you may begin to include them in your active vocabulary and apply them in the way you communicate. It can even be of great help when it comes to doing some professional work or writing.

4. Improve analytical thinking

Detect unreal thoughts

As you exercise your brain, you allow your analytical factor to fit the pieces, order the ideas and, as a conclusion, generate a rapid development of a situation before it happens. This happens, for example, when you already imagine the end of your literary story.

5. Exercise your mind

Through the habit of reading you can help your mind to exercise, developing and stimulating your neurons. This practice will help prevent the loss of gray matter, something essential especially in older people.

6. It is an economic activity

It is an economic activity

Reading, whether buying a book, magazine or newspaper, is quite inexpensive. Also, nowadays, with the advancement of technologies, you can enjoy this habit digitally.

That is, you can make use of the internet and a technological device to download books, magazines or other sources for a small cost.

7. You feel calm

In moments of silence, it is an activity that allows you to feel calm, without being disturbed by anyone, and connect with the story or text you are reading.

Start practicing reading in your day to day. Spend at least an hour, and you will see how you improve considerably in many aspects.

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