9 Tips To Eat Healthy Without Complicating Your Life

Eating healthy does not have to be synonymous with strict diets or plans that produce suffering. There are some simple steps to enjoying a good diet without complications.

One of the great challenges to improve the figure and quality of life is to completely modify eating habits. Although there are many other habits that must be taken into account, eating healthy is essential for both health and weight.

The great obstacle that some put themselves is that they associate the word “diet” with those regimens that involve starving to achieve results. In addition, few take into account that healthy eating is not a matter of a few days, but must be permanent.

For this reason, it is convenient to know some ” tips” that significantly improve the diet without causing too much complication. Ready to start? Here we share in detail the 9 best ones.

1. Eat cinnamon instead of sugar

Did you know that cinnamon is a powerful metabolism activator? In addition to having an exquisite flavor, this wonderful spice facilitates the control of glucose levels in the blood. Thanks to this, its regular consumption helps maintain an optimal energy level and reduces cravings for sweet food.

Cinnamon as a substitute for sugar.

  • Tip: sprinkle cinnamon in yogurt, herbal teas or milk.

2. Swap coffee for tea

You don’t need to give up a good cup of coffee entirely. However, considering that excess caffeine can be counterproductive, it is best to replace it with some tea. There are many herbs and infusions that improve metabolism and help you lose weight.

  • Tip: start the day with a lemon ginger tea or red tea.

3. Eat more legumes

All varieties of legumes can be incorporated into a healthy eating plan. Since they are very satisfying and nutritious foods, they are perfect to complement the diet. In fact, its consumption 3 times a week can reduce the risk of obesity by up to 22%.

  • Tip: include legumes in your soups or salads. There are many varieties!

    4. Bet on good fats

    You don’t need to cut out fat sources completely to eat healthy. So that healthy eating is not complex, it is best to learn to distinguish between “good” fat sources and saturated or trans fats .

    • Tip: increase the consumption of olive oil, avocado and fish. Avoid harmful fats like hydrogenated oils, butters, and fatty cuts of meat.

    5. Consume an extra vegetable to eat healthy

    Vegetables in all their varieties contain very few calories in exchange for high concentrations of essential nutrients. For this reason, it is not surprising that it is recommended for all main meals.

    Fresh vegetables.

    • Tip: have a “plus” of vegetables, for example, in a smoothie, salad or sandwich.

    6. Have a daily breakfast

    Gone is that belief to “save calories” by ignoring breakfast. Although many find it hard to believe, this first meal of the day is one of the most important. Since it provides sources of energy and nutrients, it is key to kick-start your metabolism.

    • Tip: Make sure to eat protein, antioxidants, and fiber for breakfast. Keep in mind that it must correspond to 25% of the total daily calories.

    7. Limit your salt intake

    One of the main obstacles to having a healthy life through diet is the excessive consumption of salt. While this ingredient enhances the flavor of almost all dishes, its high doses pose a danger to heart and kidney health.

    • Tip: add salt in moderation to your meals. Opt to season with healthy spices or vinegars.

    8. Eat spicy condiments

    Adding hot spices to meals can be very beneficial in “boosting” metabolic functions. Its active ingredients have a slight thermogenic effect that increases the basal metabolic rate to help process fat more efficiently.


    • Tip: add chili, pepper, curry and paprika to your dishes. Avoid these ingredients if you suffer from digestive problems like gastritis.

    9. Avoid carbohydrates at dinner

    If one of the objectives of eating healthy is to lose weight, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates as much as possible at dinner. Although this macronutrient should be included in the daily diet, its intake at this time of day can lead to overweight.

    • Tip: Eat carbohydrates for breakfast or lunch. Try to make light dinners, based on vegetables and lean meats.

    Do you dare to follow these tips to eat healthy? As you can see, they are simple measures that can be taken into account within the diet. Therefore, you can consider them every day to eat better.

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