7 Things Your Depression Doesn’t Want You To Know

Depression is a very common mental disorder among the population, in addition, it is one of the main causes of sick leave in many countries of the world. It is also interesting to know that, among the best-selling medications in the world, are antidepressants. Based on figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that each year its administration increases between 10 and 15%.

Not all people with depression have the same symptoms. This is explained by the following study, which goes on to explain that the number of symptoms, their severity, their frequency and their duration vary from one person to another. He also explains that they may depend on the disease they have. Symptoms can also vary depending on the stage of the disease, he says.

So, several questions may arise, some of them are: What is happening? Is life increasingly complicated and we more vulnerable?

The truth is that there is no clear and conclusive “why” that offers us a single answer. We could say that each person is unique and that no two depressions are the same.

That is why today, it is very difficult and complex to offer strategies that serve all patients equally. However, some simple reflections can be taken into account that can be of great help when facing this reality, either as patients or companions of someone who has it.

Next, we focus a little on 7 points that we consider therefore may be of interest to you. Can you come with us?.

7 key points to know about depression

In this study, it is explained in detail that, in terms of the clinical presentation of depression, it should be considered that it is a condition generally defined by the persistent presence of a dysphoric mood, which usually lasts longer than 1 month. Here, the study continues, anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated.

Based on this little explanation, we show you the following points:

1. Self-esteem, a key?

By natural measure, people see life and interpret it according to our self-esteem. If it is low, we tend to have episodes such as, for example, focusing on others getting things that one escapes.

Then, it begins to become “normal” to see herself as someone who does not deserve certain things, or even more, who does not have enough “capacity” to achieve them.

It is extremely important to know how positive it is to have high self-esteem, as this study explains, it is an important factor to consider in people’s lives in general, but above all, on the issue of performance and attitudes towards activities academic and work.

He goes on to explain that a person’s self-esteem is the consideration they have for themselves. This study indicates, based on information obtained from other studies, that it has been called the vestige of the soul and that it is the ingredient that provides dignity to human existence.

Likewise, it states that self-esteem develops from human interaction, through which people consider themselves important to each other. The self evolves through small accomplishments, recognition, and success.

2. Depression wants you to believe many things, but …

Various studies assure that depression will not last a lifetime. It certainly depends on several factors, but if we approach our day-to-day life in a more rational way, doing our best to take care to discard negative thoughts, and we also find interest in everyday life, then, they would be excellent advances in this situation.

3. Our present is very important

The past is no more, it does not exist, it is gone. What is the use of focusing your attention on those days of yesterday that only cause you suffering?

It is not worth it, just as we must never fall into thinking about the future fatalistically. We cannot anticipate everything that may happen, no matter how much we sometimes want to. It is good to learn to live the here and now with intensity and happiness.

4. Asking for help, from the right people and on time, will always be positive

This point is very important and even decisive when depression is suspected. It is highly recommended to seek professional help and, later, rely on family and friends who really know how to listen, who always get their words right and who know how to comfort us.

For example, this study explains that the affective spectrum is extremely important in the improvement of patients, since it constitutes, not only a necessary source of support, but it is also the one that could help accelerate the improvement process, to the extent in which this condition is faced. That is, with the correct support, it will be more bearable and easier to solve.

5. Depression wants to keep us locked up at home

Depression is known to cause isolation. It is for this reason that it is said that “he loves the darkness and closed windows, as well as silence, where he can lock you up with his negative and fatalistic thoughts.”

On the contrary, it is about “not listening” and going for a walk every day for at least half an hour. Likewise, allow the air to envelop you, for the sun to caress you with its warmth and for people to speak to you. Surround yourself with life, movement, light and daily joy.

6. Your depression loves “unhealthy food”

In one of the previously cited studies, they allude to what was stated by Maslow (cited by Santrock in 2002), where he expresses that most people who have not developed a high level of esteem, never achieve self-realization.

This same thing, makes them lose a sense of responsibility for themselves, and therefore, their decisions. Bringing with it thoughts of the type: “The easier the better… it doesn’t matter if it affects me. Overall, life is empty. ” Eating quality food is one of those cases.

Pastries, snacks, precooked meals, soft drinks … All of these are foods that satisfy our anxiety and that give us that momentary pleasure but, in reality, what they do is promote our chemical imbalance and feed even more those neurotransmitters that intensify our depression.

Start consuming more fresh fruit and vegetables, water, herbal teas, eat oats … Follow a healthy diet that allows you to feel better and accumulate less toxins.

7. Decide to say NO to depression?


Saying no to depression requires strength and courage, but not only that. We are not facing an upset stomach or a passing episode.

It is a state of the body that is determined by levels of serotonin, as explained in this study, which expresses that depressive disorders constitute a wide spectrum of psychiatric mood diseases that are difficult to diagnose around syndromic criteria.

In addition, he goes on to state that when suffering from depression (and developing anxiety disorders), there is a tendency to have a considerable drop in serotonin, the hormone that, in popular concept, is responsible for happiness on a chemical level.

Final thoughts

Depression immobilizes you and makes you increasingly limited and incapable. Beating it is possible. However, the most decisive thing up to this point is to first accept the problem and then seek professional help.

The help of a psychologist or a psychiatrist will be decisive in this process, this will determine the time and the steps to follow in order to defeat him.

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