5 Ways To Keep Your Kitchen Spotless

We all want to always have an impeccable kitchen. And, although it is true that this is something that requires some effort, it does not always take as much time as we think. Indeed,  there are quick and easy solutions. The question, of course, is to know them and know how to take advantage of them.

It’s important to note that quick and easy solutions can come from a variety of sources: specialty chemicals, household tricks, preventative measures, and so on.

So we have decided to take some of the most effective ones to help you have an impeccable kitchen every time. Give yourself the opportunity to try them, surely there are some (or several) that you have not tried yet.

5 ways to keep your kitchen spotless

1.- White vinegar

The white vinegar cleaning trick is very popular. And it is that white vinegar makes cleaning the home a lot easier because it makes the dirt slide easily. In fact, it has traditionally been used to clean all types of surfaces, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

However, care must be taken not to mix it with other chemicals. Since toxic combinations very harmful to health can be produced.

White vinegar has multiple uses

2.- Take care of the filter of the extractor hood

When we clean the kitchen, we focus on the most visible aspects and, in general, we forget to take care of the areas that we use the most and that are not as accessible.

One of them is the extractor hood. This element, like the microwave and oven, tends to accumulate too much fat. Now, the solution to this problem is to carefully remove the grill and wash it with hot water and lemon juice with white vinegar.

Clean the oven

While the grate is degreasing and disinfecting, we must take care of the interior of the hood with a little ammonia, or a special product to eradicate the dirt from the hoods.

At the end of the cleaning, we will notice that the smell of the kitchen has improved considerably and that everything “feels cleaner.” This measurement should be done at least once a week.

3.- Let the dishes ventilate well

An impeccable kitchen is also shown in the state of the dishes. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to how we deal with this detail.

To begin, we must look at the drainer: do we empty it enough or do we let the water accumulate? When we have clean dishes in the drainer: do we wipe them dry before storing them in the pantry or do we store them when they are still a little damp?

If the answers to these questions are yes, it is possible that the dishes have water stains and even a certain unpleasant odor. For this reason, the kitchen, no matter how clean it is, does not look completely impeccable.

So to remedy this situation, it is necessary to allow the dishes to ventilate well and dry before putting them away. It is advisable to always wipe the dishes with a dry cloth before placing them back in the pantry.

4.- Disinfect the sponges

When cleaning utensils are not properly cleaned, they accumulate dirt (especially grease) and a bad smell. Therefore, it is necessary to both clean and renew them from time to time. Ideally, change them at least once a month (especially in the case of sponges for washing dishes).

Now, what is the fastest and most efficient way to clean brushes, sponges and cloths?

impeccable kitchen

Before going to sleep, they are placed in a glass bowl with a little water and alcohol and left to rest overnight. In the morning, we will have the utensils very clean and ready to use again. It is recommended to carry out this measurement 2 times a week.

On the other hand, it is important to note that these utensils should be placed in a place where they are well ventilated. This way, they will be able to dry well. If you have them on a tray or any other type of container, it is important that you drain them to prevent water from accumulating.

In this way, you will prevent humidity from harboring fungi both on the utensils and on the tray itself.

After all, it is clear that dirty utensils will not help us maintain an impeccable kitchen. On the contrary, they will hinder the work, hence the importance of taking care of them properly. In this sense, poor cleaning will be the reflection of poor care of objects.

It is good to disinfect sponges from time to time, impeccable kitchen

5.- Uncover the sink pipe

It is very common for some organic debris to slide down the sink pipe. Especially when we have several dishes accumulated after a meal. This action, over time, can cause the pipe to emit a certain stench.

To avoid this, we can resort to two very common elements: coffee grounds and black cola. How to use them correctly?

  1. First, we clear the sink and make sure that we are not going to use it for a long time (more than an hour is ideal).
  2. Then, we empty the coffee grounds that we have in the coffee maker along with a jet of hot water.
  3. We should leave it like that for a while and that’s it.

It must be added that this measure can be carried out as many times as we want, since it is totally innocuous. In addition, it leaves a very pleasant aroma, unlike other products.

Another very simple technique that we can apply often to keep the pipe free of any organic obstruction is to carry out the same procedure as with the coffee grounds, but with a liter of black cola and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. It can be left on for an hour, or overnight. 

There are many tricks to cleaning the home quickly and effectively. Depending on the type of dirt and surface, some will work and others will not. For this reason, it is best to try all of them until you find the right one. In this way we will have an impeccable kitchen.

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