Remedy With Turmeric And Honey To Reduce Joint Pain

Natural medicine connoisseurs say that the simple combination of turmeric and honey is priceless. It is a remedy full of antioxidants, vitamins and enzymes that act as a great natural anti-inflammatory.

If you suffer from joint pain or bone wear in your day-to-day life, do not hesitate to introduce this wonderful combination into your diet.

Unlike the analgesics, anti-inflammatories or antibiotics that we take to reduce pain and deal with infections, consuming turmeric and honey will not bring us any side effects.

Our liver and our intestinal flora will not be affected.

Next we will tell you more about the great benefits of these two natural components that should not be missing at home.

Turmeric and honey, an ancient remedy

Turmeric with honey, an ancient remedy

Just one tablespoon a day of turmeric and honey is enough to take care of your health.

Now, it is important to know that to perceive improvements in case of arthritis or osteoarthritis we must be constant in the treatment . Ideally, take it for at least two weeks in a row.

While it is true that turmeric has a long tradition in Asian countries, today we can find it almost anywhere.

There are numerous medical studies that support its active and medicinal principles to treat various ailments.

  • To this day, various studies continue to be carried out to find out what would be the daily amount of turmeric that would be needed to be able to fight against the accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins. This accumulation is the cause of the formation of the plaques that occur with degenerative diseases.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant power, turmeric is considered a highly recommended natural remedy to combat inflammation and to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Now let’s see how combining a little honey with turmeric can help us.

1. An anti-inflammatory remedy

  • Curcumin together with honey prevents the release of “eicosainodes”. These components act as mediators of inflammation and in turn promote the accumulation of prostaglandins.
  • Both turmeric and honey are two effective natural elements to decrease bone degeneration. They do this by controlling the release of certain proteins that cause inflammation and deterioration of both bone and cartilage.
  • Turmeric and honey work in a similar way to steroidal and non-steroidal medications.
  • Both honey and turmeric reduce histamine in our body and increase natural cortisone to combat all inflammatory processes without any side effects.

    2. Strengthens our immune system

    If there is something essential when it comes to treating processes associated with arthritis or osteoarthritis, it is to combat the pathogens that appear during joint inflammation.

    If we have strong defenses, we can cope with these states of pain that limit our daily activity so much.

    Now, we have to bear in mind that these types of diseases have no cure. Natural remedies will only help us to have a better quality of life,

    • Turmeric is very rich in antioxidant compounds, in addition to vitamin C and E that help us improve our natural defenses.
    • According to a study carried out at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), turmeric has an antimicrobial peptide, known as CAMP, which allows our immune system to fight various bacteria, viruses or fungi, without first coming into contact with them .
    • Honey, for its part, is a natural antibiotic widely used since ancient times. It is able to strengthen our defenses to face many diseases.

    However, this remedy will only be effective if we are constant when taking it.

    Turmeric and honey remedy


    • ΒΌ cup of honey (25 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder (10 g).


    • 1 airtight glass container.


    • The most important thing is to find a honey that is organic so that it keeps its properties intact. Sometimes, the ones that are sold to us in supermarkets contain too much sugar and it can bring us more risks than benefits. If you can, buy it directly from a beekeeper.
    • Put 100 grams of pure honey in a glass jar and add a tablespoon of turmeric.
    • Mix well and take a tablespoon  of this wonderful combination every morning.

    If you take blood-thinning medications, it’s best to check with your doctor before introducing turmeric into your diet.

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