How To Remove Tartar Naturally

In addition to resorting to different natural remedies such as mouthwashes or toothpastes, there are foods whose consumption can also help us to eliminate plaque and tartar accumulated on our teeth

When food accumulates between the teeth and gums, tartar appears. This is composed of mineral salts and waste, forming a rough and yellowish surface. Therefore, How to remove tartar becomes the main concern of people who suffer from it. It is not so easy, as it does not disappear with mere brushing.

In fact, the best way to remove it is to go to the dentist at least once a year. However, as we will see in this article, you can take advantage of some home remedies to remove tartar naturally. It is not surprising? Learn about the best remedies in the following article.

How to remove tartar naturally

It is very important to comply with a correct brushing to prevent the formation of bacterial plaque and to remove the tartar naturally. If not everything, at least everything possible.

  • Remember to brush your teeth at least three times a day (morning, noon, and night) and replace the toothbrush every 3 months.
  • It would also be good to use dental floss and mouthwash to complete proper hygiene and eliminate both bacteria and tartar.

    In turn, we recommend that you avoid sugary or starchy foods, since the bacteria that live in your mouth feed on these ingredients. Every time you eat a sweet and do not rinse your mouth, these microorganisms give off an acid that later leads to cavities.

    In addition, it is advisable to visit the dentist at least twice a year so that he can perform a deep cleaning as well as treat cavities. As a complement you can use natural remedies. Among the homemade recipes to avoid the accumulation of residues on your teeth are:

    1. Baking soda  to remove tartar

    How to remove tartar

    It is an element that cannot be missing at home due to its multiple properties. It has been used for centuries for its whitening cleaning ability.

    • You just have to pour some baking soda into a container, wet the brush with water, and soak the bristles in the powder.
    • Brush as usual.

    Note: This technique could be abrasive to tooth enamel. Consult a specialist first.

    2. Hydrogen peroxide  to remove tartar

    It is another element that should be present in any home, because it is used to clean wounds and even to whiten teeth.

    • Between two and three times a week make a mixture of equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide and rinse the mouth after brushing.
    • This will remove tartar, prevent the proliferation of bacteria and keep your mouth healthy.

    3. Apple  to remove tartar

    How to remove tartar

    Eating a raw apple with peel for dessert is healthier than any other menu and, in addition, it allows you to clean your teeth naturally. In this way the dental plaque will not accumulate, you will have healthier gums and you will prevent them from bleeding.

    4. Orange  to remove tartar

    It is believed that the vitamin C in this citrus fruit prevents microorganisms from proliferating on the surface of the teeth. It is recommended to consume the juice every morning or rub the inside of the peel of an orange before sleeping.

    However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

    5. Baking soda and aloe vera  to remove tartar

    How to remove tartar

    Aloe vera is not proven to remove tartar and   we have already discussed the dangers of baking soda for teeth. Still, if you want to try:


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • ½ cup of baking soda (100 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
    • 10 drops of lemon essential oil
    • 4 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin (40 g)


      • In a bowl, add the water and the baking soda. Mix well.
      • Add the aloe vera gel and essential oil.
      • Lastly, add the glycerin.
      • Stir to form a smooth paste and store in a glass container with a lid.
      • Use as if it were a toothpaste to brush your teeth daily.

      6. Sesame seeds  to remove tartar

      The texture of the seeds is ideal for removing plaque and whitening your teeth.

      • It’s very simple: chew a tablespoon of sesame seeds without swallowing them.
      • Then, use your dry brush to scrub, taking advantage of the paste that was formed with the seeds and saliva.
      • Rinse with plenty of lukewarm water.

      7. Strawberry and tomato  to remove tartar

      How to remove tartar


      According to various studies, the strawberry plays an important role in dental cleaning and could help remove tartar and plaque.

      8. Homemade antitartar toothpaste

      Thanks to this homemade toothpaste you will avoid the chemicals used to make toothpastes sold in stores. In addition, you will take advantage of the benefits of its components to remove tartar and have healthier teeth. Let’s take a look at this homemade antitartar toothpaste.


      • ½ cup of coconut oil (100 g)
      • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
      • 2 tablespoons of stevia powder (20 g)
      • 20 drops of essential oil (your choice)


      • In a bowl, place the coconut oil, baking soda, and stevia.
      • Mix well and add the essential oil of your choice (for example, lemon, peppermint or lavender).
      • Stir to obtain a homogeneous paste and store in a glass jar.
      • Use every day like traditional toothpaste.

      9. Carrot and celery  to remove tartar

      Certain vegetables protect your dental health by increasing saliva production and are anti-inflammatory. Choose those that also satisfy your appetite and serve as a snack between meals, such as celery or carrots.

      10. Almonds  to remove tartar

      How to remove tartar

      Nuts can help us if we consume them whole, since the friction they will make against the teeth will gradually remove plaque and tartar. A handful a day of almonds, for example, removes the residues lodged between the teeth and the gums.

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