Why Do I Get Lines On My Nails And How To Remove Them?

Although they usually appear due to bruises or as a consequence of some nutrient deficiency, marks on the nails can also be indicative of more important problems.

We may have ever looked at our hands and noticed that we have some lines on our nails. This, almost always, makes us curious and leads us to ask ourselves: Why do they come out? What can be done to make them disappear?

Nail lines can be a sign that we are not eating as well as we should or that we may need to take a little more care of our manicure, among other issues.

Below we will tell you more about why lines appear on the nails, how they can be eliminated and, also, some useful tips to prevent their appearance in the future. Take a pencil and paper to jot down some tips. 

Nail Lines: Signs of a Nutritional Deficit?

Nail lines can appear at any age and, most of the time, they do not require a specific treatment, but rather, an improvement in lifestyle, especially diet. This is because the cause behind its appearance is usually nutritional deficits.

Other factors related to the deterioration of the nails is the lack of hydration (both internal and external), which is why it is so important to get used to applying cream all over the body (including hands and nails) regularly, and drinking enough of it. liquid per day.

On the other hand, the lines on the nails could also be the consequence of an impact. For this reason, care must be taken when carrying out certain activities and handling objects.

Let’s see below what are the main nutritional deficits related to nail lines.

Zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency

Zinc is an essential nutrient for many functions of the body. For this reason, when we do not obtain it in necessary quantities, spots or lines appear on the nails, the hair weakens, etc.

We can take zinc in supplement form (if the doctor recommends it) or include the following foods in the diet.

  • Oysters
  • Meats.
  • Butter.
  • Seeds and nuts (such as peanuts, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds).

Vitamin B12 deficiency

In some cases, the appearance of the lines may be related to a lack of vitamin B12, that is, to pernicious anemia.

It is important to establish a medical diagnosis of the cause of this vitamin deficiency, as it may be due to a strict vegan diet (which can be improved with supplements) or poor assimilation of this nutrient due to more serious intestinal diseases.

We find good sources of vitamin B12 in the following foods:

  • Meats.
  • Eggs.
  • Seafood.
  • Spirulina
  • Dairy products.
  • Beer yeast.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency

Lack of magnesium can also lead to lines on the nails. To counteract this, the following foods must be included in the diet:

  • Avocado.
  • Nuts.
  • Blue Fish.
  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale, etc.).

It is not advisable to take a magnesium supplement without the authorization of the doctor.

Keep reading: Coilonychia, a very common nail abnormality: symptoms and treatment

What to do to have healthy nails?

To avoid the appearance of lines on the nails and their deterioration in general, it is advisable to take into account the following:

  • It is important to apply moisturizer regularly. A good trick is to apply cream before going to sleep, in this way, there will be enough time for it to be absorbed and provide benefits to both the skin and the nails.
  • It is necessary to eat and hydrate well on a daily basis, as this greatly influences the appearance.
  • In case of using varnishes, it is advisable to take breaks between one application and another, at least 24-36 hours, to let the nails ‘breathe’. During this same time it is advisable to provide them with good (external) hydration with vegetable oils (such as coconut, olive or almond).
  • It is essential to always maintain a good manicure, not only for appearance, but for hygiene.
  • If your doctor has indicated that you have brittle nails syndrome, follow their recommendations to care for and maintain them as well as possible.

If the lines in the nails persist over time and you experience other discomfort, it is best to see your doctor for an evaluation. Then, he will tell you what may be the best treatment for you.

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