Lose Weight At Menopause With The Perfect Diet

The hormonal changes of menopause can lead to noticeable weight gain. Modifying eating habits and adopting a good diet is a good way to counteract it.

To lose weight in menopause, as well as in other moments of life, it is necessary to know what the body’s needs are at this stage and, based on this, adopt and maintain good lifestyle habits. In addition, it is essential to follow the specific recommendations of the doctor.

Next, we will tell you about the importance of taking care of your diet during menopause and we will share the keys that you must take into account to avoid the famous ‘menopausal’ weight gain.

Weight gain during menopause, a big concern

Various hormonal changes occur during menopause that can often lead to weight gain, as experts explain. This makes women feel uncomfortable with their physical appearance and change their eating habits.

However, even eating light , many women cannot lose those kilos that they have gained and worry because they would like to achieve it. But  where should one start?

Losing weight during menopause is possible with a proper diet

In order to know what type of modifications it is convenient to make in the diet, you have to go to the doctor. Once the doctor has completed a complete check-up, the professional will be able to answer questions and make recommendations to help achieve the objectives.

A good combination of foods can mitigate the consequences of the decrease in the production of female hormones and, in turn, guarantee an optimal level of physical and mental energy.

Thus, in addition to fighting those extra kilos, a healthy diet also helps mitigate common symptoms such as hot flashes and the feeling of fatigue.

Tips to lose weight during menopause by eating right

Regarding the diet to lose weight in menopause, there are several general recommendations. However, the specific guidelines of the doctor must always be taken into account, since each organism has its own needs.

It should be clarified that the need to lose weight during menopause goes beyond aesthetics. Although many women are concerned about maintaining a healthy figure, avoiding being overweight is the best way to reduce the risk of metabolic disorders, which are often caused by hormonal change.

These changes in metabolism carry an increased risk of heart problems. This relationship is explained in various scientific investigations, such as one published by the Revista Médica de Chile in 2016.

In this way, a good diet keeps cholesterol levels at bay and reduces the tendency to develop type 2 diabetes and loss of bone density and muscle mass, as well as the aforementioned cardiovascular diseases.

For this reason, it is essential to improve 100% eating habits and design balanced diets that allow you to lose weight without compromising health. Let’s see what the recommendations should be taken into account.

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

The daily consumption of fruits and vegetables provides the body with essential nutrients that allow you to enjoy good physical and mental health. These, in turn, are low in calories and contain fiber and antioxidants that help you lose weight, as described in a study published in the Iranian Journal of Public Health .

Therefore, consuming between five and six servings a day prolongs the feeling of satiety, as confirmed by a study published in Appetite . In addition, it helps to maintain a good metabolism rate. This, together, optimizes the processes that fight overweight.

Consume diuretic drinks in moderation

Pineapple and celery smoothie to lose weight during menopause

Water, infusions and diuretic juices are a great support to lose weight during menopause. As the Texas Heart Institute details, the main task of these compounds is to promote the elimination of retained fluids, which are often to blame for inflammatory processes in the body.

Some examples of these drinks would be: artichoke infusion, celery and apple smoothie, pineapple juice, green tea or horsetail infusion.

Include cereals and legumes

A good diet to lose weight in menopause should not restrict or exclude food groups. Although it is advisable to reduce total carbohydrates, it is convenient to eat whole grains and legumes to obtain fiber, a nutrient that contributes to weight loss, according to a study published in Nutrition in 2005.

Eat lean meats and healthy fats

Healthy fat sources and lean meats help maintain optimal energy levels and good muscle health. Of course, both benefits complement the weight loss diet, as it improves athletic performance and metabolism.

Some options include: chicken and turkey breast, oily fish, or nuts and seeds.

Avoid sugars and processed

This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of the diet, especially if the goal is to lose weight at menopause. To many it may seem ‘harmless’ to make them part of the eating plan, but in reality, they have many negative effects, as detailed in 2016 research published in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences .

Keep in mind that refined flours, sugars and saturated fats have no place in a healthy diet to lose weight. Unfortunately, l os foods that contain lack essential nutrients and are loaded with calories.

The best known are:  industrial pastries, sweets, processed meats, sausages, canned foods, fried foods or carbonated soft drinks.

Sample menu to lose weight during menopause

Prepare to take care of yourself during menopause

Applying the recommendations given to lose weight during menopause, you can make a wide variety of menus for each week. Here is a simple example that can serve as a basis to start the diet:

  • On an empty stomach: two glasses of warm water, alone or with lemon.
  • Breakfast: a glass of skimmed natural yogurt and half a cup of strawberries with oatmeal.
  • Mid-morning: a bowl of chopped fruit or a serving of whole wheat bread with low-fat queso fresco.
  • Lunch: a plate of mixed salad garnished with olive oil and pepper; a small portion of brown rice and a portion of baked breast.
  • Mid afternoon: two whole grain cookies and a cup of tea, or seasonal fruits.
  • Dinner: a portion of whole wheat pasta with chicken pieces and a garnish of steamed vegetables.
  • Before sleeping: a cup of tea to taste (caffeine free).

Go to the nutritionist to lose weight during menopause

As you can see, to lose weight in menopause it is not necessary to resort to strict diet regimens. By simply applying a few simple guidelines , a balanced, low-calorie diet can be designed, ideal for good health and adequate weight.

This, of course, must be done by a professional. The previous menu can serve as a guide, but remember that each organism has specific needs that it must satisfy through food, and no one better than the professional to give indications in this regard.

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