6 Tricks To Remove Bad Breath From Eating Garlic And Onion

Thanks to its compounds, green tea can be a great option to neutralize bad breath after eating garlic, whether we drink it or if it is we take the opportunity to gargle

Many people refrain from eating garlic and onion dishes to avoid the bad mouth odor they leave behind. Despite brushing your teeth, the smell lingers. So how do you get rid of bad breath?

Both foods are healthy and perfect for seasoning. However,  the characteristic odor they leave behind is annoying and can cause stress and insecurity.

However, in order not to miss out on the properties that they provide to health, we can access some homemade tricks that help neutralize bad breath in a matter of minutes.

This time we want to share the best 6 so that you do not hesitate to use them when you face this annoyance.

Do not miss them!

1. Infusion of mint and cinnamon to remove bad breath

Mint and cinnamon infusion

The antibacterial and refreshing properties of the mint and cinnamon infusion help us to neutralize the bad smells that remain in the mouth when eating these condiments.

In addition, it is a digestive and antioxidant remedy that, among other things, helps eliminate gas and indigestion.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of mint leaves (5 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon (2 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Bring a cup of water to a boil and, when it reaches its boiling point, add the mint leaves.
  • Remove the drink from the heat, add the cinnamon and let it rest, covered, for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the infusion and sweeten it with honey.

How to use

  • Finally, drink the drink 15-20 minutes after eating garlic and onion.

2. Warm water with lemon

For starters, the alkaline properties of lemon help regulate the pH of the mouth. As a result, they are helpful in ending halitosis.

The drink lowers the acidity of the body and helps detoxify the blood.


  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Dilute the juice of a lemon in a cup of warm water.

    How to use

    • Drink the drink 10-15 minutes after eating.
    • Then brush instantly.

    3. Infusion of cloves

    remove bad breath

    Although the consumption of clove infusion can help to remove bad breath, in this case we propose to use it as a natural rinse.

    Its antibacterial properties help reduce the formation of plaque and, in turn, eliminate the strong odor that these foods leave behind.


    • ½ teaspoon of cloves (2 g)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


    • Add the cloves to half a cup of boiling water.
    • Let the drink rest and strain it.

    How to use

    • Gargle with clove infusion after brushing.

    4. Green tea

    The polyphenols contained in green tea are agents that help to remove bad breath thanks to their ability to clean the oral cavity.

    These substances inhibit the growth of bacteria in the most inaccessible areas of the mouth and, incidentally, regulate the pH of saliva.


    • 1 teaspoon of green tea (5 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Add a teaspoon of green tea to a cup of boiling water.
    • Cover the drink and let it sit for 10 minutes.

    How to use

    • Take the drink up to 2 times a day, after eating dishes with these condiments.
    • Optionally, use the infusion as a rinse after brushing.

    5. Baking soda


    Due to its alkaline and antibacterial properties, sodium bicarbonate is one of the most recommended natural products against bad breath.

    Not only does it get rid of the bad breath that garlic and onion leave behind. In addition, it  slows the growth of some bacteria that can cause infections.


    • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


    • Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in half a cup of water.

    How to use

    • Gargle with the preparation, right after brushing.
    • Finally, try to use it 20 minutes after eating for best results.

    Note : Avoid using baking soda excessively, as it can have adverse effects on dental health. However, used occasionally and moderately it does not produce any problems.

    6. Lettuce infusion

    Drinking an infusion of lettuce leaves after eating is a healthy way to avoid that strong smell that is left by eating garlic or onion.


    • 2 lettuce leaves
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Chop the lettuce leaves and add them to a cup of boiling water.

    How to use

    • Drink the infusion 10 to 15 minutes after eating.
    • Finally, take it up to 2 times a day.

      Have you stopped eating garlic and onion? Now you can eat them again knowing how to remove bad breath! Put into practice some of the tricks mentioned and enjoy your dishes without problems.

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