Remedy With Honey And Walnuts For The Thyroid Gland?

Diseases associated with the thyroid gland affect a good part of the population. However, according to data from the Thyroid International Federation (TFI), women are eight times more likely to suffer from these types of diseases than men, because they are more prone to autoimmune diseases. The reasons are still unclear, although some experts say it could be due to hormonal factors.

One of the main functions of the thyroid is to secrete hormones : mainly thyroxine and triiodothyronine. An adequate balance between them is reflected in the basal metabolism, thus preventing it from accelerating or becoming slow.

Any alteration in the thyroid gland can determine that you suffer from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, two diseases that require a differentiated treatment and change many of the habits of life.

According to popular beliefs, you can use a natural remedy to improve the condition of the thyroid gland if you suffer from hyperthyroidism or simply to take care of it and keep it healthy even if you do not suffer from any disorder.

It is important to note that this remedy does not constitute a cure or a treatment for any disease as such. In any case, it could be considered a supplement to the diet.

If you have or think you have thyroid problems, always go to your doctor first so that he can indicate the most appropriate treatment.

It is important that you be cautious if you suffer from hypothyroidism, since there are certain incompatibilities between the consumption of nuts and certain medications.

In short, before consuming this remedy or any other, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor if it is an appropriate option for you and to what extent.

Walnuts for the thyroid gland

Nuts are foods that can be included in the diet. It is common for this dried fruit to be consumed to help control cholesterol levels, but what many people do not know is that it could help regulate the thyroid gland as well.

  • Walnuts contain selenium, an essential trace element that, according to some studies, would help balance the thyroid and, therefore, its metabolism of hormones in the body.
  • If selenium levels are very low, it is immediately related to an iodine deficiency, and this can cause hypothyroidism, so it is advisable to maintain adequate levels to avoid having thyroid problems. In this sense, consuming walnuts can be very beneficial.
  • Therefore, it is said that if you have an inflammation in the thyroid gland, it can also be highly recommended to consume between 15 and 30 grams of walnuts a day. 
  • However, remember that anything in excess, no matter how good it is, can become harmful. In this case, an excess of iodine can cause hyperthyroidism. Therefore, it is important not to abuse the quantities.


Benefits of honey

Although not directly beneficial to the thyroid, honey is a food with therapeutic potential.

It contains antioxidants, which contribute to the health of the entire organism and, in addition, it gives us energy.

According to some studies, it would even be beneficial for the liver system. It can also be an ally when it comes to fighting antithyroid antibodies.

On the other hand, it is considered that it can help to heal tissues and heal wounds, among other issues related to the skin.

Remedy to help the thyroid gland function properly



  • 40 green walnuts
  • 1 kg of organic honey
  • A large glass jar with a hermetic lock


  • Remove the shell from the walnuts and cut them into small pieces.
  • Place the walnuts inside the glass jar and fill it with honey.
  • Close and marinate for a week. 
  • After that time, you can start consuming.

Consumption mode

  • It is believed that the ideal is that in the morning you take two teaspoons (15 grams of honey with 3 whole nuts).
  • If you suffer from hypothyroidism and decide to take this remedy, you should always do it a few hours before or after taking the medicine.

Final note

In any case, remember that you must go to the doctor regularly so that he can do the pertinent check-ups and give you an appropriate treatment. It is very important that you follow up and follow the instructions of your doctor at all times.

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