How To Clean And Remove Toxic Substances From Our Intestines

From time to time, it is good to worry about helping the body eliminate toxic substances from our intestines. This part of our body is considered a cleaning organ. They fulfill a very important function, since they must break down the food we eat or drink. Thus, these can be absorbed into the blood and the waste will be eliminated correctly.

As with other cleansing organs such as the liver and kidneys, lifestyle, pollution and poor diet can overload our intestines with tasks and cause them to stop working properly.

As a consequence, these very important organs will accumulate a large amount of toxins. Over time, this can seriously affect our health and affect our body through various symptoms. Some of them can be bad breath, heartburn, poor digestion, diarrhea, gas, headaches and insomnia. 

Tips to eliminate toxic substances from our intestines

We can help the body eliminate toxic substances from our intestines. This time we will do it from home, through various tips that will help you to do a healthy and effective cleaning.

Increase water consumption

A bowel cleansing can cause dehydration, for this reason it is very important to increase your water intake. Drinking this healthy liquid will help us stay hydrated.

To enhance its effects it is recommended to drink warm water with lemon  on an empty stomach. Also, do not forget that during the day you should drink at least two liters of water.


Vegetable soup for soft diet

While you are performing a colon cleanse, the ideal is to undergo a soft diet. This should include a good amount of vegetables and fruit juices, among other bland foods.

Overeating should be avoided, as this will overload the intestines and interfere with the cleaning process. It is recommended to consume vegetable broths and soups to replenish the body with electrolytes.

Vitamins and supplements

Cleaning the intestines can cause fatigue and a feeling of emptiness. If possible, it should be compensated by consuming vitamins of natural origin and supplements. Increase your intake of vitamin C, as it will help strengthen your immune system.

Consume more probiotics

It is very important to consume probiotic foods while doing a colon cleanse. Since this process could eliminate useful bacteria along with harmful bacteria, the use of probiotics can help compensate for this loss and provide good bacteria for the intestines.

Juice to purify the intestines

Pineapple juice to eliminate toxic substances from our intestines

This powerful juice is ideal for cleansing the intestines and stimulating the elimination of toxins. It is prepared with strawberry, pineapple and parsley, which are characterized by their cleansing and digestive qualities. Thus, they will help fight constipation, reduce inflammation and flatulence.

In fact, according to experts, pineapple has a component called bromelain that could be beneficial for the prevention of colorectal cancer.


  • ½ cup of chopped strawberries.
  • 2 slices of chopped pineapple.
  • 1 sprig of chopped parsley.
  • 1 cup of natural or mineral water.

How to prepare it?

First, you must put all the ingredients in the blender. Then integrate them well and serve. Try not to strain the juice to avoid losing the fiber.

In addition, the ideal is to consume this juice with breakfast. This will cause your intestines to function properly during the day. 

Infusions to help your intestines

If you prefer to purify your intestines with the consumption of infusions, we recommend preparing an infusion of artichoke or milk thistle. Both ingredients are characterized by their cleansing properties. In this way, they will help in the elimination of toxins and liquids accumulated in the body.

Cayenne pepper, a good ally

On the other hand, cayenne pepper can be a great ally when it comes to cleaning your intestines. It has cleansing properties that could help improve your digestive health.

Although you can consume it as a condiment, in this case it is recommended to take it with natural smoothies or lemon juice.

Seaweed to boost your intestines

The psyllium husk ( Plantago psyllium ) and  spirulina algae  have the power to absorb and eliminate all the toxins that are accumulated in our intestines. Both form a gel that helps lubricate the stool and is ideal for combating constipation and irritable bowel problems. 

Do not forget that if you have any disease you should consult your doctor before including a new product in your diet. For example, if you have hypertension, gastritis or diabetes, some of these tips may need to be previously allowed by your GP. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Also, when constipation lasts for many days or you have frequent diarrhea and gas, you should check with your doctor. You could need medication or even surgery.

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