5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Dandelion Infusion At Night

The dandelion is for many the bad invasive weed that arises even in the cracked sidewalks. In fact, we should be grateful for that natural strength that already gives us a hint of its powerful virtues. Today, we propose something different and healthy, consume this dandelion infusion just before going to bed.

And is that  the dandelion is one of the most wonderful medicinal plants that you have at your fingertips.

On the other hand, we are sure that, if you are faithful to this type of natural remedy, you will have already taken an infusion of dandelion after a meal to improve your digestion.

1. Dandelion for your liver and kidney health

One of the organs that is most active while we sleep is the liver. Once we fall asleep, it begins a series of basic processes with which to purify the body, metabolize enzymes or produce vitamins.

Our internal laboratory needs two basic things in those last hours of the day:

  • That our dinner is not very copious.
  • That does not include an excess of fats.

The liver appreciates foods rich in antioxidants, hence a dandelion-based infusion is very conducive to promoting many of its functions.

In turn, we cannot forget that this plant is a great diuretic. It helps the kidneys to eliminate salt waste and excess water through the urine.

Likewise, dandelion prevents the growth of microbes in the urinary system and regulates the balance between sodium and potassium in our body.

2. Avoid nighttime sugar spikes

The blood sugar level is usually balanced a few hours after each meal. However, in some people, especially diabetic patients, this high usually occurs at night.

  • This characteristic is known as the dawn phenomenon and is explained by the activity of certain hormones, such as cortisol or epiniphrin, which can cause these spontaneous rises.
  • This fact can occur for other reasons, such as forgetting the medication or even not having eaten properly.

Something as simple as taking a dandelion infusion at night can avoid this curious phenomenon that, as we say, is common in some people.

3. Dandelion fights inflammation

Dandelion contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants such as beta-carotene, and is also rich in vitamin C, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and even vitamin D.

All this cocktail of nutrients acts as a very suitable agent to treat internal processes of inflammation, such as those associated with osteoarthritis or arthritis.

If you usually experience nocturnal tingling in your hands, foot cramps or the classic joint pain, do not hesitate: always take this fantastic infusion before going to bed.

4. Goodbye to constipation

If there is a key moment when it comes to going to the bathroom, it is our mornings.

A regular intestine usually has in the first hours of the day that perfect moment to evacuate normally and start the day in the best way.

  • To achieve this, nothing better than making use of a simple remedy capable of stimulating bowel movement from the night hours: an infusion of dandelion.
  • Dandelion is rich in dietary fiber and is capable of preventing multiple gastrointestinal problems.
  • In addition, it reduces stomach pain, and avoids the classic intestinal gas.

All this will make you have a relaxed sleep and wake up in the morning ready to go to the bathroom.

5. Strengthen your immune system while you sleep

There are many studies that support the great properties of dandelion to strengthen our immune system.  That bitter taste already gives us a clue of its benefits.

By combining its purifying action with its high content of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, it cleanses the body of toxins.

In turn, all that natural gift of benefits acts in a more intense way by raising our defenses.

In conclusion, Something as pleasant as taking a warm dandelion tea can help us a lot in these last moments of the day before going to bed.


However, remember: dandelion is not recommended for pregnant women. Neither for people with gallbladder problems or for those who have a tendency to suffer kidney stones. It can also produce unwanted effects in combination with dietary supplements or medications.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have any questions.

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