How To Coat If You Cannot Eat Gluten

When coating foods we can resort to different gluten-free options that will allow us to taste this type of food if we suffer from celiac disease.

People with celiac disease or those who, for digestive reasons, do not tolerate foods with gluten well, have difficulties finding options other than the usual recipes. One of the problems they have when it comes to coating food, since they cannot use wheat flour.

We present you original, nutritious and tasty alternatives to batter in a healthy and gluten-free way.

Batter in a thousand ways

Most people coat with wheat flour or breadcrumbs, adding beaten egg. However, there are other ways of coating that do not have to be only options for celiacs. They can also be an original way of giving a different touch of flavor and texture to traditional dishes.

In this article, we suggest you coat with other flours, with legumes, with potatoes and even with seeds.

battered food

Rice flour

It is one of the cheapest flours and, due to its neutral flavor, it is very similar to wheat. If we do not want to notice the difference with our usual batter, rice flour can be a good option to enjoy crispy batters.

In some natural product stores we can find brown rice flour, which will add an extra amount of fiber to recipes without changing the flavor.

Chickpea flour

A delicious and surprising flour, rich in protein, fiber and other nutrients, is that of chickpea. It is used in recipes such as the shrimp omelette. It can be of great help for those who want to lose weight without giving up batters from time to time. This is because its fiber content will help provide satiety, as evidenced by the most recent studies.

In India it is used regularly for all types of batters and doughs, with the advantage of being much less processed than cereal flours. Its preparation is based on a simple step: grind the chickpeas.

The advantage of this flour is that we do not need to mix it with egg to give it the same consistency. We just have to beat it with a little water. Therefore, it is a widely used option in vegan diets.

Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour


Cornmeal is a tasty and inexpensive option for coating. In Latin American countries, it is very common to use it for all kinds of doughs and cakes.

It is rich in minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, selenium or zinc. To be nutritious and healthy, we recommend that it be unrefined and of ecological quality, since corn is one of the most common transgenic cereals today.

Buckwheat flour

Although it is often called buckwheat, buckwheat is not a cereal and is gluten-free.

In France,  savory crêpes or  galettes  are usually made with this flour, which has a grayish-brown color and a stronger flavor. In Japan, soba noodles are also buckwheat.

This flour can be used alone or in combination with any of the other options we offer in this article.

buckwheat pancakes

buckwheat pancakes

Sesame seeds

A delight for gourmets palates are those coated with sesame seeds. Sesame, in addition to being a very well assimilated source of calcium, has the virtue of giving food a delicious flavor when roasted or fried. 

On the other hand, they are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, which could be beneficial for cardiovascular health, as stated in a study carried out in 2017.

This type of batter is excellent for all types of meat, fish and seafood. 

Mashed potatoes

Batter with mashed potato? Celiacs have known this juicy and crunchy alternative for a long time, which also falls in love with those who tend to coat them with flour.

We will need instant mashed potato flakes. Don’t hesitate to try the meat breaded with mashed potato, with a touch of garlic and parsley!

battered chicken

battered chicken

Gluten-free oats

Oatmeal is a subject of debate between celiacs and gluten intolerant, since it is not clear if it can be consumed or not.

Many experts have claimed that oats are gluten-free. However, the problem would be that it is usually processed in the same facilities as wheat, so there could be trace contamination. 

Use alternatives to coat food

These alternatives to refined flour are not only suitable for coeliacs, they are options that will give a different and crunchy touch to our batters. Feel free to try them.

Remember that batters must be sporadic foods. Prioritizing should be fresh produce and low-oil cooking methods to help improve health.

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