8 Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Hypertension

It is possible that if we have hypertension it seems that our food supply is drastically reduced, but it is all a matter of making smart and healthy choices.

Do you know what are the foods to avoid if you suffer from hypertension? Would you like to learn to take better care of yourself? In that case, the first thing you have to do is review what high blood pressure is and the importance of taking daily measures to control it properly.

High blood pressure is one of the most common cardiovascular disorders in the population. It develops when the heart has trouble pumping blood to other parts of the body.

It occurs due to narrowing or blockage of the arteries. This obstruction causes limitations in the transport of blood flow, doubling the effort of the heart muscle.

For some decades, it has been part of the pathologies classified as “silent killer”. This is because it is usually asymptomatic and does not generate strong reactions until it becomes a serious problem.

The most worrying thing is that it interferes with the functioning of other body systems and, over the days, generates alterations that affect the quality of life. Because of this, it is essential to undergo continuous medical check-ups, especially when you have a family history or other risk factors.

In addition, if diagnosed, you should limit the consumption of some foods that, due to their composition, can generate more complications. Do you know them? Discover a short list.

Foods to avoid if you have hypertension

Diet plays a very important role in the control of hypertension. Thus, while some foods help lower high blood pressure, others can make it worse. In this case, we will focus on those that can be harmful.

In general, entities such as the American Heart Association recommend limiting foods and beverages with a high calorie content but whose contribution of nutrients is low. Additionally, sources of saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium should also be limited .

To do this, it is convenient to read the nutritional information labels carefully; Thus, it is possible to determine whether food products have good nutritional value or are unhealthy.

1. Bread

Cereals and sliced ​​bread

Bread and other bakery products contain high levels of sodium and saturated fat which, when assimilated, contribute to an increase in blood pressure levels. A single serving reaches up to 230 milligrams of sodium, that is, 15% of the recommended daily amount for the body.

The problem is aggravated by its content of refined flours that, ingested excessively, cause overweight and diabetes, making it difficult to control this condition. In a study published in the journal Nutrients , bread consumption was associated with an increase in blood pressure in adults in Mexico City.

For all this, bread and related products are some of the foods that you should avoid if you suffer from hypertension.

2. Caffeinated drinks

Excessive consumption of beverages such as coffee and cola can increase blood pressure, especially when there is already a diagnosis of hypertension. All caffeinated foods and beverages have a stimulating effect that inevitably influences blood pressure activity.

According to a publication in the Mayo Clinic, caffeine can cause a brief but dramatic increase in blood pressure, even in those who do not have high blood pressure. One hypothesis suggests that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep arteries wide, but there are no conclusive studies on this.

3. Industrial seasonings

salad sauces

The industrial dressings that they distribute for salads and other recipes tend to have high levels of sodium among their composition, which, as we already mentioned, can lead to the deterioration of arterial health.

Mayonnaise, tomato sauce and other similar products are made up of chemical additives that, although they give them a delicious taste, in the long term generate metabolic difficulties. Therefore, they are foods that you should avoid if you suffer from hypertension.

4. Margarine

Margarine is not necessarily bad if consumed in moderate amounts. However, when choosing it, it is important to choose the trans fat-free versions. As some studies show, trans fats are not only associated with hypertension, but are associated with other heart and metabolic diseases.

5. Cheeses

Cheese is also an enemy of hypertension

Traditional cheeses are high in salt and saturated fat that promote an increase in blood pressure. Sodium promotes fluid retention in tissues and, in turn, increases tension and the level of inflammation.

For its part, fats are deposited in the arteries, causing a hardening that interferes with blood circulation. Therefore, patients with hypertension should avoid it, or replace it with a recipe of plant origin.

6. Stuffed meats

Stuffed meats seem like a good food option because they always look fresh and have a very pleasant flavor. However, some years ago their intake has been discouraged, given that they provide large amounts of saturated fat and chemical compounds that affect health, as detailed in a recent study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology .

Its high salt content, added to calories and preservatives, increases the level of inflammation of the tissues and hinders circulation through the arteries. In the long term, they are even a cause of metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes.

For all the above, sausage meats are another of the foods that you should avoid if you suffer from hypertension.

7. Sweets

Sweets try to avoid them to combat hypertension

Refined sweets and sugars are highly addictive and, unfortunately, quite unhealthy. They should be excluded from the diet of hypertensive people, as they lead to excessive weight gain.

They can also cause complications such as diabetes. You can opt for a small amount of dark chocolate which, due to its cocoa composition, is less harmful.

8. Pickles

Pickles are made up of a high amount of salt that increases the risk of high blood pressure. Even in a recent study published in Clinical Nutrition Research they are associated with an increased risk of obesity.

You can always consult the nutritionist

We find several foods for regular consumption that are discouraged in hypertension. If you identify them in your diet and you suffer from this health problem, try to replace them with healthy alternatives.

If you have doubts about how your diet should be, consult the nutritionist. The professional will be able to tell you what is best for you and why, as well as make suggestions for food combinations.

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