Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a difficult entity for doctors to decipher. It consists of severe vomiting episodes without any identified cause. These episodes alternate with periods of time without vomiting.

However, people who suffer from this syndrome, after this stage of apparent improvement, have another similar episode again. Hence the name of the syndrome. To date, it is not known exactly how many people it affects, but it is estimated that around 2% of children under 6 years of age suffer from it.

However, adults can also suffer from cyclic vomiting syndrome and can be diagnosed. Therefore, in this article we explain what it consists of and how to identify it.

What is cyclic vomiting syndrome?

Vomiting is a very nonspecific symptom for humans. They can appear in response to a gastrointestinal infection, nervousness, poisoning, and many other causes. This makes cyclic vomiting syndrome difficult to identify.

This syndrome consists of episodes in which the person suffers continuous vomiting without being able to find a cause. The episodes can last for hours, or even days. What distinguishes this pathology is that, after an episode, there is an emesis-free period.

However, after some time, vomiting recurs. Interestingly, the second episode is usually similar to the first. In other words, vomiting appears at the same times and lasts practically the same time as the previous times.

Although, as we have mentioned, it can affect any age, it is much more common in children. Although it was first described in 1882, scientists have not been able to find the cause. What has been observed is that it is more frequent in girls and in celiacs.

child with dizziness and vomiting

What other symptoms appear?

To be able to affirm that it is a cyclical vomiting syndrome, it is necessary that at least three similar episodes occur. Also that between the episodes there is a period of normal health.

The episodes usually start suddenly, most of the time at night. The vast majority of cases appear after an infection or a stressful situation. It even seems that some foods such as chocolate may be related.

More than 4 vomits usually occur in a single hour, and the episodes last on average between 1 and 4 days. In addition to the similarity between one event and another, the health periods are also usually similar. That is to say, the episodes maintain a period of time equal to each other.

In addition to vomiting and nausea, diarrhea and headaches are common. Similarly, people who suffer from it often experience sensitivity to light and dizziness. Nor can we forget that, psychologically, it is a very stressful and even embarrassing situation.

dizziness in cyclic vomiting syndrome

How can cyclic vomiting syndrome be treated?

As with the cause, no treatment has yet been found to cure cyclic vomiting syndrome. Most measures focus on avoiding possible triggers for the episodes. Certain medications, such as propanolol, can even be given to avoid it.

Being such a variable disease, it is essential to adapt the treatment to each person. Therefore, if the episode appears despite preventive measures, there are different medications that can be used. Some of them are ondasetron and lorazepam.

On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that cyclical vomiting can cause dehydration in the sufferer. Even more if they are accompanied by diarrhea. That is why it is essential to stay hydrated and replenish the electrolytes that are lost.

Always consult with repetitive vomiting

The truth is that cyclical vomiting syndrome is still a mystery to doctors. Especially for pediatricians. It also requires ruling out other diseases with similar symptoms. Therefore, it is important that parents always go to the doctor to explain the situation.

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