It Is Never Too Late To Realize That You Deserve Better

It is never too late to make a change. The clock will always be at the perfect time for that moment when the heart realizes that we deserve better.

Something that often happens is that many people regret not having realized before that theirs was an untenable situation. He does not understand how he could wait so long to react.

Now, it is important to bear in mind that the brain, especially that area related to emotions and affections, is usually very reluctant to change. We say to ourselves that “I’m going to hold on a little longer, things may get better.”

However, if with the passage of time nothing changes and the feeling of unhappiness is the same, it is time to tell ourselves that we deserve better. We deserve, above all, to rediscover our own peace of mind. We invite you to reflect on it.

It’s never too late to be happy again

Let’s analyze the word “late” for a moment. We can apply it to those appointments in which we are at an hour and, for various reasons, we are late and we do not arrive on time. Late is when we forget to put out the fire in due time and our food burns.

They are two simple examples in which an essential aspect is implicit: there is no going back. No matter how much we do, nothing is going to make that stew be at its point or that we do not remain unpunctual with our appointment.

Now, with regard to the life cycle of a person and, above all, to the essential and basic purpose of the human being to be happy, the word “late” does not exist or is appropriate. It is always a good time to fight for your own well-being. It is worth taking these aspects into account, then.

Thus, an article published in the Interuniversity Journal of Teacher Training indicates that good emotional skills are related to happiness and well-being. In short, the benefits of being emotionally intelligent for psychological well-being are evident .


The fear factor

Fear is the barrier that, on many occasions, prevents us from taking the step to build our own happiness. In this way, we can achieve what we dream of and that is beyond the comfort zone.

Something that we usually do and of which we are not fully aware is that we camouflage fear with resignation, with thoughts such as:  “it is what there is, we have to endure; most likely, if I stop this, I will find something worse. “

People rationalize fear until it becomes so everyday that we are completely under their networks because we have resigned. Whoever resigns and stops fighting ends up trapped in a slow unhappiness that can very well lead to a disguised depression.

We have to understand fear for what it really is, an emotion that alerts us to danger. Far from hiding it or not attending to that natural instinct of the human being, it must be understood, processed and then act in the most appropriate way.

Do not be afraid of fear; it is necessary to know how to listen to it, because it is a clear indicator of our inner unease or discomfort.

woman-with-a-tiny-man-in-hand representing he is never too late for something better

Your best time is now

We are already clear that the word late is not applicable to happiness itself. We also know that fear is, in reality, an indicator that warns us that we are not well. So why don’t we act? The simple fact of rationalizing fears, putting aside limiting attitudes and insecurities will allow us to remove all those armor that prevent us from moving forward as people.

It is very possible that at the moment you are living a complicated moment, either due to work, family, emotional issues, personal dissatisfaction … But, sometimes, small changes bring big results. Therefore, a solution must be found for these difficulties. This is so because those great vital tangles suffocate us and take away our air, energy and optimism.

The solution, in many cases, lies precisely in movement, in crossing the line of fear, the comfort zone, immobility and, above all, going beyond thoughts such as “my train has passed” or “it is already late for me .

In this sense, the psychologist Abraham Maslow, in one of his investigations, affirms that fear is one of the needs that the human being needs, so we must face it and overcome it if we want to move forward to feel fulfilled. Therefore, your best moment is now. Yesterday doesn’t exist and tomorrow isn’t written yet, so why not give it a try?

It’s never too late to take the plunge

There is an aspect that must be taken into account, and that is that fear will always accompany us, and more when we take the step, when we make the change and leave a few things behind.

We do not know what we are going to find or if what we are going to do will be successful or not. Fear, therefore, will always be that inseparable companion. However, it is an exciting and hopeful fear, because everything is new and because we are in control, our personal helm.

The pleasure of taking the step is something enriching and it is never too late to experience it. We all deserve the best in every moment, in every moment of our life. Far from waiting for others to offer it to us, it is worth standing up as our own architects. You dare?

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